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There is definitely something wrong with the shuffling and drawing mechanic...



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #12

    @Sarutaru You're wrong. Everything is working as it should in terms of shuffling.

    You're being a bit of a Karen...

  • TengoSoundwave
    TengoSoundwave Member Posts: 29
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    My advice would be to check your discard pile if you think there's been an error. I've always been able to write-up any errors with Oranguru to something I've done when not thinking.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sarutaru On top of it only being 13 months since the intended beta (not full) release, Primordial Altar only released last month, and the game is, in fact, still in beta. Go back to PTCGO if you're not going to be helpful.

  • Sarutaru
    Sarutaru Member Posts: 27
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    No. I'm on here to play a game and complain when it sucks: I don't know if you know it, but I expect to paid for doing a company's work for them.

    Also, the supporter card (which I'm not going to look up the name for because I don't care) that lets you switch 3 prize cards to cards in your hand lets you see what cards are in the prize pool by single clicking them. Glitch? Yes, and not the point. They are specifically listed in number order, but when you add the cards you want it randomizes what you draw from the pool of prize cards. Pick a quick ball, you might get it or the ultra ball next to it.

    The game sorts cards into pools and then randomizes what you draw from pools rather than assigning specific orders to the cards (as it appears to do). This wouldn't matter if every card functioned properly, but they clearly do not.

  • pears_91
    pears_91 Member Posts: 41
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    i could swear ive had this problem with arc phone,

    simular mechanism, but i cant say 100% as often i dont think about it much until after its given me the card then im left wondering if i played another cards after that shuffled the deck but pretty sure I havent. at times it has definately worked and given me the card i left on top of the deck.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sarutaru Stop moving the goalpost. It's a beta, so you report bugs. However, you need to verify that the bug or issue actually exists. That's why you should be sure before posting. Instead you're just getting angry and making up a random explanation based on nothing.

    @pears_91 Arc Phone doesn't let you see the cards you're switching. Do you mean Rotom Phone? If that were bugged it would have been reported many times already.

  • Sarutaru
    Sarutaru Member Posts: 27
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    @techhog Feedback and bug reporting. This is feedback: I think something in the game is awful.

    Are you a developer? Cause you sure do act like you own this game.

  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    @Sarutaru TechHog just likes seeing his name at the top of all the forums

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sarutaru But you aren't reporting anything or giving useful feedback. You're just whining about getting bad hands and fooling yourself into believing the game must be causing them. There are a lot of poor shortcuts in the game, but there's nothing to indicate that shuffling and drawing don't work properly.

  • Sarutaru
    Sarutaru Member Posts: 27
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    If I could edit the original post I would because there was a major error in it with the ultra ball. I recognize that, but the post said "The latest example." Primordial Altar commonly shows a card different than the one I draw after using it, not discarding the card, and then play a drawing card (like Professor's Research or Marnie). That part is true, though the example I used was an exception that I misread because I was already expecting the error. I believe this is happening for a number of reasons (non of which you are required to agree with or even care about: this is simply my own theory):

    1) When you draw a card in this game, it appears to come from a pool of available cards rather than a set order (ie your six prize cards remain constant, though not in a set order).

    2) Cards that have rearranging mechanics create new pools that modify the available cards in a set pool (ie Marnie puts your hand at the bottom of your deck, creating a seperate pool that would be drawn when you draw through every card above it).

    Why this matters:

    1) At the start of the game, you have an equal chance of drawing any 7 cards in your deck. This is a fair approximation to begin with: however, when the deck deals out six prize cards, unlike in a real deck where the order is set and every card has a 1 in 60 chance to be in spots 8-13, if every card is selected completely at random from the remaining pool then the first card has a 1x#available/53, then the second 1x#available/52, etc. This means if a card with 4 available doesn't appear in your starting hand, it is far more likely to wind up in your prizes.

    This is similar to a real shuffling mechanic but not identical: I believe this is why I see more of the cards I have three of in my deck during an actual game than a card I have four of (although I consistently have 1 or 2 copies of card that I have 4 of in the prize cards). I have multiple decks where it is noticably more common for me to draw one of my 2 Pokemon V early in the game than the 4 basic Pokemon I want first (2 Inteleon V/4 Sobble, 2 Galarian Moltres V/4 Koffing: I'm not arguing this point, the Pokemon I have 4 of are my rarest starting basic Pokemon).

    2) If cards have to create pools rather than changing order that cards are currently in, this would explain why some cards work (like Marnie) and some cards don't (like Primordial Altar, which doesn't. Get over it). It is also completely consistant with the weird programming choices this game has made from the start (taking a shortcut for basic functions which creates needlessly complicated modifiers necessary on a multitude of cards).

    And if you're wondering why I didn't say all this in the original post, I really appreciate the fact that you've made it to this point and are reading these words. Thank you.