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There is definitely something wrong with the shuffling and drawing mechanic...



  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    Looks like i can't do math sometimes.

    it was 11.9395%, nor 10.14729%

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    All of this math doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is that it's possible, so it doesn't prove anything. Bad luck is a thing that happens. I've had improbably stupid luck in PTCGO too.

  • JohannZ117
    JohannZ117 Member Posts: 4
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    Probably shouldn't necro this thread, but also here to say I just had a primordial altar bug on me without any other shuffling or draw cards. Two turns, previewed top card, didn't discard, next turn card was different. :/

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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  • JohannZ117
    JohannZ117 Member Posts: 4
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    Not that I recall, I remember watching for that the second time. I haven't come across the stadium since then either.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    And you're sure you didn't play anything after that could have affected the top deck? What deck were you playing?

  • eJinsu
    eJinsu Member Posts: 5
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    I read this full thread and boy, TechHog, are you a special type of person.

    Firstly you outright just deny the OPs claim "I just don't believe you." Then once two people with math expertise give you literal numbers and figures you simply say "These numbers don't matter." What are you talking about, dude? The entire point of the post is that someone found an irregularity in the randomness. That's the entire point of the thread.

    You simply fail to understand simple statistics. You say "if it can happen it'll happen" which is just a complete blanket statement that defies using logic or reasoning in any way. When the guy mentioned that the likelihood of this occurring was similar to that of being struck by lightning, did you understand what that meant? For reference, there are about 300 lightning strikes in a year in the US, out of a population of a little over 300 million. That's literally around a one in a million chance of it happening to you in a entire year basis. In other words, if you were a person who lived for one million years, you would expect to only be hit by lightning once.

    The entire point of checking the data for these types of things is to improve the situation. This (Pokémon TCG Live) is just a program written by software engineers, who are people, who make mistakes. If you have experience with software engineering, especially in the context of randomization, then you know that randomization is all faked in computers (which is why the earlier poster referred to it as pseudo random). There are many, many ways to mess up randomizing a function. I've done it myself several times. And do you know what the solution to that was? By checking the data and comparing it to the statistics and seeing if they are similar and fixing the program until the data looked good. Which is kind of the whole point of statistics- to make sense of potential events. The numbers are the whole point of it.

    I apologize for the general nature and attitude of this post but I have to admit that responses like yours tend to upset me as I find them to be really unhelpful and dismissive when people are legitimately trying to express a concern and give you full fledged details regarding their experience. I really dislike the whole culture of just assuming other people are wrong all the time. It's frustrating. Why not give people the benefit of the doubt? If these posts and questions annoy you, just ignore them. (I read these posts as I am actively trying to figure out if there's a randomization issue with the game, in case you ask.) You even yourself admitted there were draw issues in the app previously. Heck, every other day the app doesn't let me select cards arbitrarily or not be able to touch the UI at all. I don't really see any reason to simply assume that the programming is perfect when there's already evidence that it's bugged in other areas.

    Here's some more food for thought. Confirmation bias works both ways. Here's a Wikipedia snippet:

    "Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.[1] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. "

    This is exactly what you've done. You've assumed the position that there is no problem with RNG. The underlying assumption that you're not seeing is that you are okay with this because YOU are okay with this. As in, this RNG has not affected YOU negatively and therefore you have an incentive to keep the status quo. Then of course you continued to express your opposing opinion while outright denying the claims of the posters.

    The posters and commenter's who found issues were all very polite and gave sufficient evidence and one even wrote a script to test it.

    I feel like you want to be helpful. If that's true, please try to listen to people and consider them as real people with valuable opinions before you tell them they're wrong.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Okay, you're right. They made an advanced AI for the explicit purpose of giving some (but not all) people bad hands all the time. I'm sorry.

  • lostintheether
    lostintheether Member Posts: 1
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    I agree wholeheartedly with this post. I had to put the game down the last two days and now I will again today.

    I have had 7 no basics first draw. My three decks have maybe 2-3 evo's in each deck rest of my mons are basics. If it is a starting hand with a basic mon I get no draw support cards. What givez?

  • eJinsu
    eJinsu Member Posts: 5
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    Oh, also, I'm currently 44 cards into my deck and just drew my first energy. I've shuffled the deck many many times at this point. I have 10 energies in my deck.

    This is not proper RNG.