There is definitely something wrong with the shuffling and drawing mechanic...

So in my Galarian Moltres V deck I have a Primordial Altar. I've had it happen multiple times where I've used Primordial Altar to check to see what's on top of the deck before using a Marnie or Professor's Research but when I draw a new hand the card that I did not discard isn't there.
The latest example was an energy: I didn't want to use the one I had in my hand for an Ultra Ball if I didn't know for sure I was going to draw another one. A dark energy was on the top of my deck, I did not discard it, but then I did not have an energy in my hand after playing a Marnie.
I've had my suspicions about the programming behind the shuffling mechanics for a while too. If I have 4 of a card in my deck, I almost never see it in my starting hand. This is true for the 4 basic Pokemon I want to draw every time and the 4 Quick Balls and 4 Ultra Balls I have: it is incredibly rare that I ever see them in the top seven cards. It's also near impossible for me to dig through my deck and draw any koffings through non-search mechanics. Most games, however, I do always see 1 of the two Moltres V I have in the deck and it's almost certain I'll draw the one regular Galarian Moltres I have in my deck that I almost never want to draw apart from using a Quick Ball.
I don't have any hard data to back it up, but between these two problems I keep running into I'm almost certain the draw mechanic is randomized and not set based on how/when the deck is shuffled, only giving an equal chance to draw the remaining cards in the deck (ie the limit hasn't been drawn and their not in the prize cards). I know it's a digital representation of shuffling, but it's amazing how consistently horrible the mechanic is.
Marnie shuffles your deck before you draw.
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It shuffles your hand, but not your deck. Your hand goes on the bottom in a randomized order. (or rather, should.) If what OP says is true then it definitely needs to be patched.
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The latest example was an energy: I didn't want to use the one I had in my hand for an Ultra Ball if I didn't know for sure I was going to draw another one. A dark energy was on the top of my deck, I did not discard it, but then I did not have an energy in my hand after playing a Marnie.
So you chose not to play the Ultra Ball anyway? Ultra Ball shuffles the deck, so it sounds like you checked, Ultra Ball which shuffled the deck, then played Marnie expecting it to not have been shuffled.
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My bad, Fallacy0001 is correct here.
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The latest example was an energy: I didn't want to use the one I had in my hand for an Ultra Ball if I didn't know for sure I was going to draw another one. A dark energy was on the top of my deck, I did not discard it, but then I did not have an energy in my hand after playing a Marnie.
Assuming you played the Ultra Ball, that would be the reason you didn't draw the energy. Your deck shuffles immediately after Ultra Ball resolves. When you played the Marnie, the top card of your deck was already not the energy.
I've had my suspicions about the programming behind the shuffling mechanics for a while too. If I have 4 of a card in my deck, I almost never see it in my starting hand. This is true for the 4 basic Pokemon I want to draw every time and the 4 Quick Balls and 4 Ultra Balls I have: it is incredibly rare that I ever see them in the top seven cards. It's also near impossible for me to dig through my deck and draw any koffings through non-search mechanics. Most games, however, I do always see 1 of the two Moltres V I have in the deck and it's almost certain I'll draw the one regular Galarian Moltres I have in my deck that I almost never want to draw apart from using a Quick Ball.
This is most likely just confirmation bias. The fact that you were already suspicious of the shuffling algorithm, while not proof of anything, increases the chances that you'll naturally notice more the cases of bad RNG while making you less aware of the instances of good RNG.
Knowing your deck list would also help. Running 4 of the Basic Pokemon that you want to open with helps, but depending on how many more Basic Pokemon you have in your deck your odds of actually starting with the one you want might not be as high as you believe (and on some decks there's nothing you can do about it because you need to run some supporting Pokemon + some 1-of techs that you never want to open with but sometimes you inevitably will).
As for the other cards, running 4 of the things you absolutely need to draw is the best you can do but you still have to consider that decks have 60 cards. You're not guaranteed to draw anything, even if you're running the max number of copies.
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I don't think the shuffling is bugged. I used Oranguru's Primate Wisdom a lot in my Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR deck to protect against Marnie plays from either my opponent or myself and never had an issue.
Primordial Altar could potentially be bugged though. You should create a deck made specifically for getting Primordial Altar out and using Marnie and then use the Test Deck function to see if you can reliably create the issue. No guarantee it won't work fine in Test Deck but be broken in actual matches, but that'd be the easiest way to test without impacting ranking or other players.
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@Sarutaru It hasn’t been two years, don’t know where you’re getting that from 😂