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  • TengoSoundwave
    TengoSoundwave Member Posts: 29
    5 Likes 5 Agrees 10 Comments Photogenic

    @Mr_Sagara I implore you to stop using Mew VMAX until the bug is fixed. Until then, you are part of the problem.

  • Mr_Sagara
    Mr_Sagara Member Posts: 5
    First Comment Name Dropper

    Don't worry I have stopped after seeing this. I have ran into a bunch of issues playing against Arceus though.

  • vargasjohn
    vargasjohn Member Posts: 1
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    I've had this same problem with people using that fusion strike deck like 80% of the time it'll desync theres been other times when it hasn't been the fusion strike deck and the game still desyncs but that rarely happens its mostly the fusion strike decks

  • Jampyro
    Jampyro Member Posts: 2
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    I’m convinced players are glitching the game on purpose and if people are doing this on purpose is because they know how to do, and if they know is because people are sharing and teaching each other. Obviously they don’t teach everyone, but I believe that in private and smaller groups there is some kind of tutorial.

  • Jampyro
    Jampyro Member Posts: 2
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    Well I can definitely say that there is an issue with Mew V deck, but now I’m convinced that people are glitching intentionally. When I played against a real mew v deck, I never saw it bricks, because of genesect ability and a lot of cards to help (you know the strategy). But lately, I played against 4 suspect mew v decks that didn’t have any genesect, just a mew and a maloeta, and apparently it doesn’t bothered them. Who plays mew v knows how frustrating is lost draw power in the early match. My point is, if people are doing this on purpose is because they know how to do, and if they know is because people are sharing and teaching each other. Obviously they don’t teach everyone, but I believe that in private and smaller groups there is some kind of tutorial.

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    @Hyperion924955 @Pip-pip-lup-lup It's not free wins. Both players desync and both lose.

  • pyromancerBR
    pyromancerBR Member Posts: 3
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    @mr_sagara because you are not the one getting dsynced from the game and forced to altF4 and reopen the game and get a -20 points... if you start to pay attention you will realised the amount of wins you are getting bc your opponent is "conceding"...

    I just opened the game 1 hour ago and faced SEVEN mewVmax fusion strike builds in a row, got dsynced in 5 of those matches, is really a shame people just don't care and are queueing the deck knowing its bugging other players...

    Its sad to see these kind of community... I'll play the game again if they fix this...

    I'm really desapointed with the game, and the time the devs take to fix those kinds of problems, I heard the game will substitute PTCGO in 3 months, I really think this game will kill PTCG fanbase if things continues like these last 2 weeks

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Hyperion924955 When the game desyncs, both players lose. It's not for free wins.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Hyperion924955 When the game desyncs, both players lose. It's not for free wins. It's just people without enough common sense to figure out that their deck is causing the crashes.

  • squibix
    squibix Member Posts: 43
    5 Agrees First Anniversary 10 Comments

    To me, based on all the times I've seen the bug, it really seems like it triggers when an active Mew with a Fusion Strike energy is evolved to a VMAX. It doesn't feel like it's connected to energy acceleration particularly. For example, the most recent time it happened my opponent had a Mew V active, played an Ultra Ball to get a VMAX, and then... nothing. I conceded. (And, by the way, I had to restart the ap before I was able to connect to another game.)