This is the card causing the most issues. If you can't figure out how to fix it yet, just ban the card so that most people can play to some capacity. It'll upset people who love the deck, but if this is gonna be broken for over a week you can at least do this much.
Can confirm i've gotten multiple disconnects from players using the Mew V deck and fusion strike stuff.
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It's not mew it's definitely fusion. I've been consistently running dte with no problem. People are playing fusion deliberately to get free wins. I also say this because dte is just better. Fully agree with techhog. Ban fusion energy or elesas or both. It's the fusion mechanic that's freezing the game and I'm grabbing screens of everyone I run into using it.
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Agree agree agree. There are so many players climbing the ladder at the moment with auto-wins by stalling the game. It’s BS.
DTE mew vmax is fine- no obvious stalls.
it really seems to be fusion energy mew. Maybe there’s a psychic energy in there too but from my games - fusion energy seems the culprit.
personally I think the issue is the ability block on the fusion energy. I reckon there’s an issue with the ‘constant’ effects on the card.
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After one fight, I may have discovered some reasoning behind your proposed temp ban... On my client. :(
^ During that one fight:
- Opponent attached FSE manually, and not by effect of Elesa's sparkle.
- After the manual attachment mentioned above, my game freezes to the point that I was forced to concede.
- Trying to battle again costs me 20 ladder points every try until closing and logging back into client.
^ Wish there was a way to save a game log here, but this game is not like PTCGO in that regard. Thus, all I can do is tell what I saw while judging by my own experience, and hope it's as good as a game log would be...
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Can’t say that I disagree with @TechHog here. It sucks to have to outright ban one of the most popular decks in format, but there are so many Mews being played right now that it really does make the game a drag sometimes
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Absolutely agree. Ranked ladder is nothing short of impossible to climb right now when every other match-up is against Mew VMAX and ultimately ends with an early freeze.
Sticking to Casual is the best course of action to at least progress the battle pass. However, some updated official communication addressing the obvious issue would be appreciated.