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Game doesn't load, stuck on "Loading data from server 7/40"



  • Charlie23Berry
    Charlie23Berry Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Photogenic 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    This is the current Pokemon community. Full of toxic personalities with no common sense at all.

  • Tamrekah
    Tamrekah Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes

    You do know that the only reason car manufacturers are going electric is because they don't want users repairing their old fully usable combustion engines, right?

    They are now "out of support" much to the distress of previously happy John Deere customers but gotta keep up with the hip and happening new fangled environment-based buzzword economy if it generates new sales, amirite?

    Maybe people in Ukraine should just realise that Russia has deprecated them and move on to a new model?

    (That's my monthly comedy comment done with, hope y'all enjoyed it).

  • Archaic
    Archaic Member Posts: 12
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Answer First Comment

    So, an unexpected update.

    I opened a support ticket on this back in September. where they went through the usual support things with me, before requesting a DirectX Diagnostic file, which I gave them on September 21st. After months of radio silence, that ticket was just updated, to tell me that the issue related to my inquiry has been resolved.

    The app has been working again for me on Windows 10 for a while now, but how about for the rest of you? Or is the "resolution" just their bumping up of the official minimum requirements?