Could all legendaries return in Indigo Disk?

We have seen legendaries return as additional content in many games dating back to ORAS, with a variety of overworld encounters and portals. USUM had ultra wormholes, BDSP had ramanas park, and SWSH had dynamax adventures.
Do you think we will see this again in Scarlet Violet, perhaps with a special shiny hunting mechanic?
I don't think so, but if you look at the list of transferrable Pokemon from Pokemon Home to SV, you can spot Hoopa, Meloetta, Volcanion, and Diance, all of which have no ties to SV or prior games. While you could argue that Volcanion was given away via GameStop for Sw/Sh, then they would have added Marshadow, Victini, and Genesect, all Pokemon that were distributed for Sw/Sh. Therefore, these mythicals might be catchable in SV.
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I wouldn't be surprised.
It'd also make more money, so there's a higher chance they include catchable legendaries than the chance they wouldn't.
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I think it's unlikely all of them come back, but I think quite a few probably could.