Game doesn't load, stuck on "Loading data from server 7/40"

I tried uninstalling, and reinstalling. Stuck at the exact same spot. I'm currently using a windows 7 desktop. I was playing just fine yesterday (9/18/2023), but the patch today (9/19/2023) killed that fun. Any ideas on how to get past this step 7/40?
Best Answers
I'm encountering the same issue, also on Windows 7 and also right after updating the software.
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Thanks for the reply. I wonder how long till they patch the fix to the patch for windows 7 users?
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For the mobile version post-update, getting to 7/40 causes the screen to flash to white briefly starting from the bottom up before it continues. (The image is a cropped version that shows the white flash starting the occur to better explain.)
Perhaps when the screen is flashing to white, it is trying to load or do something that works on mobile, but fails on desktop. (Sorry that this is just speculation.)
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The message "Collecting local assets 4/40" appears for a split second before returning to "Loading data from server 7/40". I thought that might be of use in case developers visit this forum which I assume they must since there's no other way to report bugs (at least not that I know of).
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yep same problem does the same for me and just gos 7/40 just repeats itself and I am on Windows 8.1
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Same exact thing happening to me, also windows 7. Stuck at 7/40 done everything I can, uninstall, clear cache, punch wall. Nothing working
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Same thing happening to me - Windows 7, stuck on "Loading data from server 7/40" ever since the update last night. Was working fine for me before the update on September 18th as well.
Also seen it flash "Collecting local assets 4/40" like someone else reported as well.
I opened a ticket for this. Hopefully this can get fixed by tomorrow or Friday for the 151 release.
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Same problem here. Windows 10. Tried repair. Tried uninstall and reinstall from the latest on the website.
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So, how do you contact the developer team to fix this "game breaking bug"? Should I call customer support pretending my "credit card" was charged (but not really charged) and I am stuck at "Loading data from server 7/40" to get help in giving them all my hard earned money? How can I give them my money (I'm sure money will motivate the developers to help us)?
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Opening a ticket literally does nothing. They tell us to do exactly what we’ve already done and it’s still not working
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Fix your game pokemon
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September 21 still not working stuck at 7/40 forever. Done everything. Anyone got advice. Don’t tell me to open another ticket cause that didn’t help.
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im on windows 8.1 and besides loading beeing stuck i get error box about "Vuplex WebWiev.vuplex stopped working, maybe this will be a hint.
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I've raised a support ticket for this and sent off the diagnostics etc, got this back:
"Thank you for your patience as our team works to find a resolution. Please know that your concern is being investigated and we will update you as soon as we can."
Hopefully this gets sorted quickly with 151 on its way.
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I contacted them as well. Their reply:
"If possible, we would like to recommend to temporarily turn off your anti-virus programs while loading the new version of the Pokémon TCG Live up."
Certainly not going to do that every time I load the game, but I tried disabling the antivirus program and firewall for fun but that didn't solve anything, not that I expected to. I replied back saying that didn't work, hopefully they investigate the matter further. You'd think they have some kind of log or report with so many people stuck unable to load the game.
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151 is out, and still can’t play cause the game won’t load past 7/40. What is going on? Can we please fix this issue? Is anyone else still experiencing this?
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I’ve spent a good amount of money on card codes and can’t even play it cause the game refuses to load after new update. On 9/19/23
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Yup, windows 7 and still stuck on the 7/40 loop.
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I just installed the app on my phone. Watching the installation of the app, I believe the next step after "Loading data from server 7/40" is where you choose the language. I'm located in Canada in case that's of any relevance. Anyway, I was able to successfully install the app on my phone for those that are looking for an alternative way to play in the meantime. I much prefer the desktop though, so hopefully they sort out the bug, seems like it must be something pretty simple...
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I just installed the app on my phone. Watching the installation of the app, I believe the next step after "Loading data from server 7/40" is where you choose the language. I'm located in Canada in case that's of any relevance. Anyway, I was able to successfully install the app on my phone for those that are looking for an alternative way to play in the meantime. I much prefer the desktop though, so hopefully they sort out the bug, seems like it must be something pretty simple...
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Same thing for me too. It crashes all the time and everything was fine before the update. I contacted the service and they told me the usual useless things, then when I told them that I'm not the only one with these problems they told me that they already knew. At the moment I don't think they even know what to do