Hottest Pokemon take?

List what you think to be one of, if not your hottest Pokemon take. Please keep it to the games and features, not opinions on specific Pokemon.
Personally, I think Mega Evolution is kind of overrated, and kid me got tired of it. It's certainly cool, but what do you gain if your favorite Pokemon doesn't have a Mega? Me and my Greninja were feeling left out.
(And please don't start on Ash-Greninja please- as much as I like Greninja I don't think that Pokemon should really exist.)
Phione and manaphe shouldn't exist. They are like each other and so 1 has to go at least. But their design I just boring.
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The spin-off games are better than the main series.
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"Friendly" rivals aren't really a problem. It's rivals that lack depth as characters or don't really push you to do better from a narrative standpoint that are the problem.
...Looking at you, X/Y rivals that I don't even remember the names of
Everyone else has been written alright though
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I don’t like open world games any more and I want the next generation to return to on-rails linear progression. The world felt more full and lively with more room for polishing. I still love Scarlet and Violet and appreciate that they tried something new, I just think it’s not a good formula for Pokémon with the exception being Legends Arceus.
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I don't like incineroar, never did, and I was team litten from the start! Ended up picking popplio.
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I want my party Pokémon to act more autonomously. And I mean beyond Battle Arena-style fights and relaxing at picnics!
I’d be OK putting up with Pokémon frolicking and training alone at their leisure, Pokémon so grumpy or tired that their moves cost extra PP, Pokémon that won’t listen because they’re too annoyed by an ally or afraid of an enemy….
And on the flip side, there could be times when Pokémon give each other cheers and stat boosts, or discover new things about party members and wild Pokémon, or run off together and come back later with a special Mark to commemorate their adventure….
It’s not just my own journey, right? So whenever I pick “Fight” in battle, I don’t always want to think of it as “my move”. They’re Pokémon — they should be able to do their own things too.
(Cooler take: there can still be battle stadiums where Pokémon are well disciplined and happy to show their Trainer’s expertise.)
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Crabominable is awesome!