Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi! I can trade an Arcanine EX for a Marowak EX, if you still have it.
ID: 6596493955157602
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I have Venosaur, Gyarados, Articuno, Elektross, Golem (MI), all 3D to trade for your Raichu if you want!
4541-8563-2961-71070 -
Hi BamBazoole
Maybe we can trade some cards?
Friend ID 7379-1192-3014-0488
User name: Zmudek
for 3D:
I have:
Butterfree #007
Vileplume #013
Victreebel #020
Exeggutor #022
Greninja #089
Raichu #095
Machamp #145
I need:
MOST Magneton(GA) #096
Venusaur #003
Arcanine #040
Gyardos #078
Lapras #079
Vaporeon(GA) #080
Omastar #082
Articuno #083
Elektross #109
Kabutops #159
Golaem(MI) #045
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I have Celebi and can trade for a Blastoise Ex if you have.
4541-8563-2961-71070 -
This post is HUGE