Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have a pidgeoto Ex for you if you can give me Moltres Ex :)
id: 2445452308418638
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I have:
Butterfree ◇◇◇ #007 , Vileplume ◇◇◇ #013, Victreebel ◇◇◇ #020 Exeggutor ◇◇◇ #022, Greninja ◇◇◇ #089 Raichu ◇◇◇ #095, Machamp ◇◇◇ #145
I need
Magneton ◇◇◇ #098, Venusaur ◇◇◇ #003, Arcanine ◇◇◇ #040, Gayardos ◇◇◇ #078, Lapras ◇◇◇ #079, Vaporeon ◇◇◇ #080, Omastar ◇◇◇ #082, Articuno ◇◇◇ #083, Elektross ◇◇◇#109, Kabutops ◇◇◇ #159, Golem(MI) ◇◇◇ #045
I have:
Gloom ◇◇ #012 Wartortle ◇◇ #054 Poliwhirl ◇◇ #060 Swanna◇◇ Clefable ◇◇ #114 Primeape ◇◇ #142 Onix ◇◇ #150 Sabrina ◇◇ #225
I need:
Parasect ◇◇ #15, Venomoth ◇◇ #17, Mienshao ◇◇ # 161, Golbat ◇◇ #173
Maybe we can trade something
Must importent for me is Magneton ◇◇◇ #098
Friend ID 7379-1192-3014-0488
Additionaly from 4D
I need
Exeggutor ex #023
I can give:
Zaptos ex #104
Gengar ex #123
Marowak ex #153
Moltres ex #047
Blastoise ex #056
Starmie ex #076
Machamp ex #146
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Hi, I need a Vileplume 3◇, Victreebel 3◇, Blastoise 3◇, Zapdos 3◇, Golem 3◇ and Nidoqueen 3◇. No ex, the basics, I'd love to finish the collection. Tell me what you need.
My ID: 6072783183285710
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Have only 1 Moltres ex sorry.
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I have Celebi Ex (003 Celebie-Ex) do you have GENGAR EX (123 GENETIC APEX) ?
ID: 0985-8537-0374-5113