

  • Porch7777777

    I need:

    ♦♦♦: Genes Formidables: golem, hypno, greninja.

    I have:

    ♦♦♦: Genes Formidables: pidgeot, beedrill, flareon, vileplume, moltres, articuno, ditto, venusaur, gyarados, vaporeon, zapdos, snorlax,

    ♦♦♦: La Isla Singular: serperior, volcarona, vaporeon, mew, golem, marshadow.

    February 13
  • BamBazoole
    BamBazoole earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    February 4
  • BamBazoole
    BamBazoole earned the Name Dropper badge.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    February 3
  • Zmudek090

    Hi 😊

    Maybe we can trade some cards?

    Friend ID


    User name: Zmudek

    for 3D:

    I have:

    Butterfree #007

    Vileplume #013

    Victreebel #020

    Exeggutor #022

    Greninja #089

    Raichu #095

    Machamp #145

    I need:

    MOST Magneton(GA) #096

    Venusaur #003

    Arcanine #040

    Gyardos #078

    Lapras #079

    Vaporeon(GA) #080

    Omastar #082

    Articuno #083

    Elektross #109

    Kabutops #159

    Golaem(MI) #045

    February 3
  • BamBazoole
    BamBazoole earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    February 3