Sweet and Sinister: More than Frienemies
Steenee and Malisteen were not a very good couple, but they had no choice to be together due to their Grass egg group. When they met, they weren't happy about it. But they slowly realized they were the best at working together. When they both became 16, they became popular streamers in the Pokémon world, playing games…
Name the most popular Pokemon anyone remembers the existence of
The start of a new arc
As you should know I finally finished the Terror King: A Tale of Two Mangosteens series. You know what that means! That's right, "Sweet and Sinister" is just around the corner, featuring Steenee and Malisteen!
Pokémon and Fakemon: Neglect
Because I was never able to score 10 likes on one post, I give up asking for likes. So, I will make Part 4 of my story early. I hope you're all proud of yourselves😠.
Does incineroar think it's better than it's trainer?
i mean it is cat.
Ideas from where the gen 10 region can be inspired
I thought of 4 ideas for Pokémon regions, both for gen 10 and future ones and they are: A Pokémon region inspired by Australia (most likely for gen 10): Pokémon Starters ideas: a Grass-type Pokémon kangaroo a fire-type Pokémon Koala It isand a water-type Pokémon platypus A Pokémon region based on Netherlands: Pokémon…
My Fan Art at Home: If the Regis were Human...
There's not much to explain, but I had this idea when I was listening to how Regis sound like in the anime. I ended up with the idea of what they would look like if they were human. Regirock - ♂️ Regice - ♀️ Registeel - ♂️ Regieleki - ♀️ Regidrago - ♂️ Regigigas - ♂️ Those were the genders I would give the Regis if they…
In Gen 10 of Pokémon, could a pattern change in the starter Pokémon be possible?
P I thought about the possibility that one day the Pokémon Company would end up changing the standard of the starting Pokémon, especially with a false leak I saw of what Sinnoh's 3 starting Pokémon would be like, which from what I saw, was a kind of cat or a bear cat of the dark type, a kangaroo of the fighting type and a…
Fakemon Trivia: Which of these have I made a regional of?
-Slowbro -Centiskorch -Rapidash -Cyclizar Remember to like to show support of each Pokémon listed. I will give the answer on my next post.
Gen 1 bracket #5-8
diglett vs hitmonlee Aerodactyl vs venonat Kabuto vs onix Mewtwo vs meowth