(Joke) When is national Bidoof day?
I thought that national Bidoof day was April 1st as the Pokemon Company changed their profile to it but then they made it July 1st because they released a now deleted Never Gonna Give You Up parody about Bidoof so when is National Bidoof Day?
What are your favorite Pokémon, favorite starter Pokémon and favorite Legendary Pokémon?
OMine are: Pokémon Favorite: Vulpix( Kanto and Alola forms) Starter Pokémon Favorite: Oshawott Legendary Pokémon Favorite: Xerneas
This would be hilarious😂
Imagine if Game Freak ended up making a Water type cat starter in a future region and its final evolution became Water/Dark type. We would end up having a trio of Dark type final evolution cat starters!
Lumiose city- Legends Z-A Version
If there's going to be a redevelopment for Lumiose in the past, How complicated is the city prior to the redevelopment? Is it like a giant labyrinth?
Gen 9 Shiny unlocks
Which gen 9 legend or pokemon do you want to see get a shiny unlock for the most? For me it's Kairdon and Chi-Yu
Spinoff bracket finales
mystery dungeon explorers of sky (most known spinoff) Vs Super mystery dungeon (my personal fav) At this point we can call it the mystery dungeon bracket also I need to decide my next bracket should it be Tcg set bracket or gen 1 pokemon line bracket
why did Biden only have 4 smeargle in colosseum but none in XD
https://****.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Biden these are the questions that keep me up at night
Who is ash's dad?
the pokeball + for the latest games!
hello can the Pokeball + be available for the Pokémon scarlet and violet because i got it only for lets go Pikachu and eevee and sword and shield thank you so much by the way its a grate device for Pokemon go too =D
Dream Eeveeloutions
If anyone more Eevee forms were to be add in a future game have you wish to see come to life I a game? Personally I've been wanting to a dragon type eevee form.