blue 31 Vs Allistar 9
sorry i got the numbers wrong and skipped 17 so scarlet vs violet
brilliant diamond Vs Shining pearl
oh spinoff so great what joys did thou bring The joyous songs that I wish I could sing So many so plentiful it was such a treat So wonderful my expectations were always beat But where have you gone my long lost friend The times and the memories will they come back again The waiting and excitement but for which Why aren’t…
since I last did mythical bracket there has been new people who have joined and the potential for different results should I do another mythical bracket after I finish mainline game bracket
I like krookodile
Evening including as mentions, which highly popular Pokémon do you think have a fewer Pokémon video game appearance?
i've been wondering this because this might be a pokemon drought this year the first since 2002 in the USA not sure about other regions and no i'm not counting pocket because that is pure mobile TCG related which i feel more falls into the TCG of pokemon than the video game franchise (spinoff or mainline) are we going to…
What will reserve for the future of the Pokémon series, only time will tell.
We now have the Black & White Box Legendaries The Pokémon of Truth, Reshiram The Pokémon of Ideal, Zekrom My favorite is Zekrom