The Strongest One Pokemon
If levels didn't end at level 100 than which Pokemon would you put in the effort to level for as long as you could?
Why can you catch a Pokemon that's asleep but not fainted? (Theory or fact)
Thinking for more of an in-lore explanation here, headcanon or otherwise. And I'm not so much looking for a detailed theory/explanation why you can't catch a fainted Pokemon as opposed to a general "why one works and not the other" kind of answer.
Terror King: A Tale of Two Mangosteens Part 4
It's been a long battle. Both were about to faint. But Tsaravage wasn't done yet. He pulled out a strange orb with a peculiar symbol on it. He started to grow. He grew giant wings. His tail was replaced with multiple thorns growing out of his back in a row. The peculiar symbol appeared on his eyes and forehead. He was a…
Gen 1 bracket #9-12
rattata vs cubone Eevee vs squirtle Gastly vs kangaskhan Chansey vs Hitmonchan (remember hitmonchan and hitmonlee were not in a line yet til gen 2)
If the Regis were Human...: Regirock
Of course he was the first of the six I designed. For every Regi I draw, I have to include something from the original Pokémon on the human version. For Regirock, I used the orange rocky shoulders on the human version. Each Regi has a personal habit. For Regirock, every time he flips a truck, he always says "ün ün ün"…
A Pokkén Tournament sequel or spiritual successor for the unnamed Nintendo Switch successor?
Yo! Hey what’s happening with you guys? I’m just wanting to know if you guys think that there will be a Pokkén Tournament direct sequel or spiritual successor exclusively for the unnamed Nintendo Switch successor? Why? Please let me know, thanks.😉
Where do i claim codes?
Snacks worth bbq
Hi I'm trying to complete some group quests if anyone is interested
Pokémon chat
I made this so anyone can talk about pokemon Also please don't post rude content here
which pokemon would make the best babysitter
I'd go with Chansey (because it's friendly and commonly helps at pokemon centers) or Drampa (it loves children most of all)