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Is it still a necessity to have two versions of a game?

Darkbirt Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
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As everyone knows we always get two version of the main game. For example Scarlet and Violet and this is already the case from the early begin of Red and Blue. It is a tradition of the Pokémon franchise, but is this still a necessity?

If Game Freak releases only one game and at start you can chose the version, wouldn't this cut down some on the production proces and cost?

Or even better why not let everything depends on the chose you make in the game. For example if you chose the fire starter. You will have all the fire Pokémon available while certain grass and water Pokémon aren't available. The same method for choosing the grass or water starter.

Or for example you talk with a certain NPC and then you can catch a certain Pokémon. And some Pokémon can only be caught on specific conditions that are predictable (seasons, night or day or with a special item.) But depends on the chooses you make in a game. The biggest reason I would recommended this, is because it's possible to add a larger amount of Pokémon in a Pokémon game, maybe even the whole National Pokédex. As you can catch different Pokémon through each play through, you get a new game experience each time. The disadvantage is getting all Pokémon will become a challenges, however this raise in difficulty is welcome for me. Probably not for everyone.

It is also a possibility to remove the lineair story telling and give us for example a more complex stories with ten different endings, but this is suggestion for another time. For raising the replay value.


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,539 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    nope this takes the novelty of trading and having multiple versions is what makes Pokemon pokemon

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Did you read the OP? They provided multiple alternatives to two physical versions.

    Another option, and one I favour, would be to sell one version but have a randomised pool of Pokémon not available in your game selected at the start to encourage trading. You would have to find someone else who had the Pokémon you need in their game, and offer them one they need from your game.

    Two versions might have made sense at the outset of the franchise to encourage trading, but it is totally unnecessary nowadays. When was the last time you met in person to trade?

    Not only can exclusive Pokémon be achieved with one version, but even with two, most people still complete the Pokédex without interacting with another human being.

    But of course, the real reason Pokémon sells two versions is that some people will buy the double pack, essentially buying the same game twice at no discount, and they can get away with it. The series has "always done it". The practice was grandfathered in, like so many other poor practices in the franchise, and people just accept it.

    It is just what Pokémon does.

    Most of you are probably too young to remember that after Pokémon's success with the model, a lot of other companies and franchises tried to do the two version thing. Especially during the Game Boy and GBA era. Nintendo even tried it with Zelda (although admittedly it was developed by Capcom). Thank goodness the practice didn't become an industry standard like pre-order bonuses and battle passes.

    If any other game series tried to do it today they would rightly be lambasted for it. The practice is exploitative and greedy. Even more so if it were tried with a children's franchise.

    But "Pokémon has always done it". Brain off, it's fine, just buy it, consume product and get excited for next product.

    And remember you only get one of the legendary on the cover per game, and most people won't trade it. Legendaries used to not be version exclusive, until Gamefreak realised they could get people to buy both versions by making unbreedable Pokémon version exclusive.

    You can't transfer Pokémon from older versions without a Home subscription, of course. And the games don't have the full Pokédex, some still entirely unavailable on any Switch game, so you will need a Home subscription to store your beloved Pokémon.

    We couldn't actually be bothered to develop online trading functionality in game. We unloaded all of that off on the Home app developer. Why not buy a Home subscription, so you can conveniently store all of your Pokémon, ready to trade?

    But you see, they have to engage in all these money grubbing practices. How else could the highest grossing media franchise on Earth possibly afford to operate?

    Shut up, buy your double pack, pay your Home subscription, and don't forget to buy both versions of the DLC to give you access to some of the Pokémon we removed for this round.

    Two versions is an insult. We should demand that they end the practice.

  • Scashowian
    Scashowian Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
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    Yea, me too. Trading fun. Link trade, Wi-fi Trade, Surprise and/or Link Trades. It's all trades of the 'mon.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,366 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They still make 2 versions because of money

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited August 2024 #6

    Edit: Duplicate post.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭✭
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    its not money but because of it being classic

  • Resilient30
    Resilient30 Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
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    A lot of people buy both versions, so that’s 120 dollars. Plus people like trading

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Sorry for the same post appearing twice. The current issues with the forum keep delaying posts.

  • Candy0_o
    Candy0_o Member Posts: 343 ✭✭✭
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    I have both versions of sv and I just use it for version exclusives. For example, stonjourner. Only available in scarlet. I sent one over to violet I order to compete my dex.