What are your favorite Pokémon cries?
I'm not sure what my favorites would be yet, but I would love to know what your favorites would be!
Cosmic Pokémon
I decided to talk about Pokémon that came from space, Pokémon like: Clefairy, Elgyen, Jirachi, Deoxys and supposedly Kyurem, about Clefairy, I confess that I discovered that it is a Pokémon that is also very special to me, besides being very cute, it has something to do with the Cosmic part and a Pokémon that brings joy,…
The Speedy Supermodel 2: Repost
Okay, so someone told me my post for Pheromosa didn't come out, so I'm doing a repost so people know I'm not forgetting anyone. But for the human design, I will tell you this: ⚠️ WARNING: ANY INAPPROPRIATE IDEAS FOR THE DESIGN WILL BE REPORTED AS PUNISHMENT!⚠️ Good luck!
I wonder...
If ditto turns into a human, can it mimic human speech (assuming that human is not a baby)?
Pokemon together that make another one!
have you ever wondered why Magearna is literally the child of Diancie, Love Ball and KlinKlang? Do you know some other fusions?
If Ultra Beasts were Human...: Astronomical Dreams
Tonight, we're going to do Celesteela now! Also, puplover1118, if you're reading this, stop sending me pictures of Sun and Moon characters. Not every human Ultra Beast will be based off an actual character in the games.
What was the first starter pokemon you picked from the first pokemon game you ever played?
Mine would be Torchic.
best pokemon generation
whats the best pokemon generation
Name the most obscure Pokemon no one remembers the existence of
Who is the Worst Legendary/Mythical Pokemon? (Design wise)
I don't really care for Zarude all that much myself.