Forums gym challenge battle (Gym 4 (Dragon))
Arlo (Main character)'s pokemon: Shiny servine, shiny pawmi, litleo, duraludon, and mega manectric. Gym leader's pokemon: Drakloak, Vibrava, Tsatsughiri, and Shiny Tyrantrum The gym leader sends out Drakloak first, while Arlo sends out pawmi. Pawmi tries to get around Drakloak with its's speed, but Drakloak stuns it and…
Gardevoir ex bug with the new patch.
so, I'm playing a gardevoir ex deck, and after I finish attaching energy, and click done, it will always say timer up no matter how fast I do it, it will then deal 20 more damage to my drifloon/ scream tail, not attach an energy, and knock out my own Pokemon, despite gardevoir’s ability very clearly stating that you cannot…
Who wants to union circle with me
Type in chat the link code.
Need Friends
New player, just looking for some people to casually play still l with. Hmu, my gamertag is "Moose_Manson"
With Pokémon Event Week Coming Up
With pokemon Event Week coming up do you donyofind yourself acting a little differently?
looking for 3 diamond kangaskhan from genetic apex. Let me know what you’re looking for and I’ll try to help. Thanks 🙏 Trainer code : 8424369612893148
Forums Gym Challenge Chapter 13 elite 4, 2nd leader
The previous leader was grass, but what could the second one's typing be. Arlo stepped into the room. Just a chair stood on the edge of a battle arena. The chair slowly spun around. Then faster. Faster. Faster. Faster… The gym leader appeared as the chair slowed down. He was sitting in the chair. But when did he get here?…
Shiny hunting squad for dynamax adventures
Iv'e been looking for some people to shiny hunt legendaries with. I don't have any of the gen 7 games, and I know literally no one with the dlc for SW/SH. If some people would like to join me, please say so.
what is pokemon infinite fusion calculator?
Evil team bracket final