Pokémon Forum Edition: Part 10
Esbern went to take a short nap. All of a sudden he was in a strange and unusual place. “Welcome” a voice called out in the distance "Who's there? Where am I?" "I'm professor Burnette. You are in the Dream World, If you didn't know I've been trying to get out of here for a while." "So how did you get stuck here? What is…
Are people still playing XY?
I know they're old games now, for about 11 years since their worldwide release on the 3DS, but they still feel like today's modern games too, right? I enjoyed them a lot, with the introduction to real 3D graphics (and I'm not counting Stadium, Colosseum or Battle Revolution because they were spin-offs), gorgeous colours,…
Making the dex more complicated.
I am taking a course on ecology and one of the projects we had to do was do some bird watching, basically going to locations and monitoring what birds we saw. What if in the Pokemon games on top of recording species it had us recording species habitat and population size. With the shift to open world Pokemon games it is…
Evil team bracket 16
Evil team bracket 15
Opinions on Smogon as an alternative forum?
evil team bracket 14
Evil team bracket 13
Pokemon Forum Story: Every Three Words
So the format is to add to the story with three words, let's see what could be made out of it.
What is the dumbest thing you've done in a pokemon game?
I once accidentally used a master ball on a tera raid Pokemon in violet! it wasn't even a hard battle!