Shiny code
What are the shiny koraidon link code
Pokemon Expelling Poison (Status)
In the games, if your Pokemon has high enough affection with you (or friendship depending on the game), it can heal statuses to make you happy, like poisoning. Anyone have any theories on how the Pokemon can quote "expel" poison (Sweat, spit, powering through it, etc.?)
Favorite regional concept
What is a concept introduced in a region that was great. For me it was seasons in Gen 5, added variations to the already existing region and was just a small detail that made a big difference in the atmosphere.
Which 3DS or DS Pokémon games should I start with?
I got a 3DS earlier this year, but haven't gotten any games for it just yet. Which Pokémon games for it do you think I should play first?
Should Cards Be Unique? (Metadata/Shows "Pulled On" Date)
Should each card be unique. It would make Trading and Collecting more interesting.
Evil team bracket 8
Evil team bracket 7
Mega Evolution Theory
Ok so remember how Charizard and Mewtwo got two megas? Well, what if I were to tell you that they have a strange connection that may give us a hint into solving mega evolution? Let's start with Charizard, Mega Charizard Y retains it's original typing and is essentially a slightly modified version of the original in terms…
Name ideas.
I just caught a shiny foretress and am looking for good name ideas. It’s currently named nugget, but I feel there’s a better option. Just can’t think of it. .
Would it be nice if the core games were combined?
Normally the core RPG games are two versions per Gen, each with their exclusive Pokemon to be able to get, meaning that one can't complete his/her Pokedex unless trading with other players. Because of this… Shouldn't they allow you to get all characters yourself otherwise, with the pair of games in a Gen being combined as…