Pokémon SV: Pokémon Horizons Avatar Outfits
I was thinking how the game would look if you could dress up like characters from Pokémon Horizons, different characters for each gender. Girl: Liko & Dot Boy: Roy & Amethio Do you want your avatars to look like them?
Question About Ash's Pokémon's Capability of Mega Evolutions?
I knew that Charizard, Pidgeot, Heracross, Sceptile and Glalie have been capable of their Mega Evolutions. Ever since Ash's Lucario have already Mega Evolved for the first time, while Ash's Gengar had already Gigantamax for the first time instead of Mega Evolving, I thought that Ash should've Mega Evolved Charizard,…
Pokemon go friends.
@UnovanZorua I have Pokémon go and if you have it can you add me as a friend on Pokémon go? My trainer code is 892882603711
I play Pokémon go and in the battle reward I keep getting moropeko 9 in a row since moropeko join the game in the Halloween event is it possible to be a bug 9 in a row moropeko
Country to be gen 11 pokemon region
Just in case the country for the gen 10 region has been decided, any one want to look into the future and guess which country will be a gen 11 pokemon region?
Calling Pokemon Scarlet/Violet players
There will be a 5 star fire type raid. (Pls join thx)
Question about Chop Down Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
In Let's Go, your partner learns Chop Down from the SS Anne captain, as he has his back turned while cutting down his tree. After your partner learns it, the captain turns back around and comments on how your partner learned it. How did he know your partner Pokemon learned it if he wasn't looking?
Could Tera Raid Battle be telling us who the starter Pokémon in Pokémon Legends Z-A will be?
I thought a lot about this now, and I thought it would be interesting to bring it here, which is a great theory, the only Pokémon that haven't had their Tera Raid Battle yet are Torterra, Serperior, Inceneroar and Feraligator, it would perhaps be: Snivy or Turtwig, Litten and Totodile the Pokémon Legends Z-A's starter…
Faster Time Outs for Leaving the App
Hi People upset over bad coin flips rage quit the app and leave the other player waiting for several minutes before the app gives a win to the player still waiting. Two 80 second timers for a player who has turned off or disconnected from the app is way too long. Other mobile TCG are much faster in count downs and since…
Pokémon Forum Edition: Part 11
As Esbern looks at the stone very intently he didn't hear a knock at the door. After a few seconds of waiting the knocker, Sophie, yelled through the door "Esbern its time to get up, I have some exciting news". Esbern, startled out of looking at the stone said "Uh, sure, 1 sec. Be right out". He quickly picked up his stuff…