Poltchageist: Convergent species or regional evolution variant?
with the new Pokemon, Poltchageist making a debut. It almost look like a branch evolution of Sinistea of Sort. All the same, the Pokemon possessing a tea caddie is pretty scary in on its own. Especially with the soul possessing the damaged tea caddie despite the cute demeanor.
If you could change one shiny coloring, what would you switch.
Personally I would choose to change shiny riolu to a vibrant red.
Cool Pokémon you believe are underrated
(Not competitively) Delphox. It's a magical fox witch (mage?), which is extremely cool, but people hate it because it's not as cutesy as Braixen. What? Just look at it, it doesn't need to be cute. Yeah, the fact that it looks like it's wearing a sleeveless jacket over a dress/robe isn't the best, but does that matter? In…
Poltchageist (the new pokemon)
I think it's really creepy. I mean, the trailer just showed it putting kids to sleep, maybe eternal judging by the backstory. What do you think?
One Pokemon is on the chopping block. Which one are you getting rid of?
I really, REALLY, REALLY hate Venomoth, so I'd say goodbye to him. What Pokémon would y'all get rid of?
Best Villain??
Who is the best villain in the entire Pokémon franchise?? Please post your favourite and reasoning below. Very interested to see what you all come up with! 😀😀
What Gym Leader's Ace would you replace?
Which aces of Gym Leaders do you believe are unfitting, and what would you have them use instead? Let's please limit this discussion in regards to PERSONALITY rather than REGION. It's clear to many people that Johto has a lot of missed opportunities in giving their aces Kantonian rather than Johtonian Pokemon, and I would…
Thoughts on Legends Arceus pokedex completion?
Usually the first 75% or so is very easy and then you sort of hit a wall with the last quarter. That's how it always goes with any pokedex because the more you progress the more scarce new encounters become. With Arceus though, i feel that the spawn generation is mechanically at odds with the gameplay and this ruins it for…
What is your luckiest moment in any mainline Pokemon Game?
My luckiest moment happened on Easter. So I was driving around Pokemon Violet randomly since I was headed to the Normal Gym, when I found a shiny Meditite. Keep in mind this was full-odds. Then, less that 10 minutes later (I don't know how I got back to the Water Auction Place), I jumped off a cliff while using the…
What is your favorite Grass, Water, And Fire starter?
My favorite Grass, Water, And Fire starters are Rowlet, Litten, And Mudkip.