Who did you get for your Pokémon Mystery Dungeon personality test?
I keep getting Mudkip, I also remember back on GBA I first got Meowth or Phyduck.
Any more scarlet violet surprises?
After Poltchageist made an appearance. Any more surprises we should be knowing about? New Pokemon? New Updates? New Gameplay features?
I cant find and VGC events in my area
I want to get into vgc seriously but in my area they don't do events? what should i do besides go to a regional because its way out of my price range
Greavard's Origin Theory
(I thought of this after waking up at like 4 am so there may be a lot of loopholes) Greavard is a Pokemon who has a lot of hidden lore, not only from dex entries, but also its design. The Pokedex states that Greavard "It is said that a dog Pokémon that died in the wild without ever interacting with a human was reborn as…
Favourite moment in Pokémon?
Was it battling Red atop Mount Silver? Catching all the Unown in HGSS? Finishing SV's main story? Or even just doing all the Pokéstar studios movies? Or anything else, even outside of the mainline games. What moment do you treasure the most?
What is Larry's partner Pokémon? It should never has been outright stated what is his signature partner right?
Does anyone remember the Pokemon Rumble games?
You know, with the toy Pokemon. The beat-em-ups where you fight and collect other toy Pokemon in stages to eventually use in the battle royales. And no, I am not making this up. Games include:…
Some Thoughts on BDSP
So a lot of the complaints I have on BDSP (and some complaints I've seen others have) boil down to "the games are flawed because the source material is flawed. Platinum did it better." The thing is, though, Pokemon has only minimally integrated third version features when developing remakes. Take ORAS for example- the…
Pokémon & Mobile Gaming
I'd like to see a Pokémon game released for mobile either based on main series or a spin off. Like a mobile version of Let's Go or something. I know we have Pokémon Go and the other games but I'd like to see an full core Pokémon game released. Or even a mobile version of the Pokewalker or something. Pokémon tamagotchi!…
Bug Using Garantina V Abyss Seeking First turn
This has happened three different times. First turn start the game with Comfey. Use Flower selecting, keep a Beach Court and play it. Place Giratina V on the bench. Retreat Comfey (free retreat). Bring up Giratina V and attach a Psychic Enery to Giratina V. Abyss Seeking is not highlighted and can't be used.