who's the most autistic pokemon character and why is it N?
i'm not saying this in a bad way of course, i love autistic people. other possible candidates would be colress and penny but thats just for me probably
7 star mewtwo help
what is a good moveset for mew to help me win the mewtwo battle?
Scarlet and Violet: What is the rest of the beginning Houndoom Moveset?
At the beginning of scarlet and Violet you eventually encounter a level 40 houndoom after meeting the legendary of the game, although it only uses crunch so, what do you think is the rest of its moveset? Maybe even Tera type too…
What are your favourite theories?
To be honest, I think N being a Zoroark is the first thing I think of when someone says Pokémon theory. His hairstyle, him understanding Pokémon, the Zoroark in BW2 disappearing when you reach N, him living in a forest (when he was a child), and also I find it interesting that even though he used a Zoroark in his final…
Any remember pokemon brick bronze?
FYI it was a roblox game that was later taken down for copyright issues. I think the copyright was deserved but I was sad to see it go.
What are your favourite theories?
To be honest, I think N being a Zoroark is the first thing I think of when someone says Pokémon theory. His hairstyle, him understanding Pokémon, the Zoroark in BW2 disappearing when you reach N, him living in a forest (when he was a child), and also I find it interesting that even though he used a Zoroark in his final…
What's your favourite character?
I was just randomly thinking about what human characters are popular. I don't have a favourite. Even though I might hate some characters more than others, I just can't pick a favourite between the ones I actually care about, I wonder how I even have a favourite Pokémon. I'm curious about others, though.
Lavos Copypasta 2019
[Edited by Mod_Champeon: Only official Pokémon URLs are allowed on the forum] "Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to…
Is Iono's partner Pokémon actually Bellibolt or it could originally be Magnemite, judging by the hairclips she often wears though?
latios dynamax advetures
to all ] I invite you to join me in latios dynamax adventures so we can get shiny latios without getting mad at bots.