What if we could nickname moves?
I originally thought of this as in I have a Galarian Rapidash in Sword which knows Megahorn, but I think it would be really cool If it was possible to nickname it 'Unihorn' as Galarian Rapidash looks like a Unicorn. Obviously it could cause some problems like with battles as people could nickname one move as another move…
Thoughts on what could be be announced this Pokémon day?
With Pokémon day 2024 approaching, there's quite a lot of speculation about what could be shown off/revealed in this years direct. For me, I think that we COULD get something related to Unova as there have been a lot of things related to the region in recent content (Blueberry Academy is in the Unovan sea, members of the…
What Pokémon fits your personality most? (Note: This is not supposed to be based on favoritism)
According to the Mystery Dungeon personality quiz, I fit as Mudkip the most.
question of the day what is computer
question of the day what is computer
What's your favourite pokemon
What is your favorite Dragon type Pokemon?
I like Haxorus. It is so strong in game and its shiny looks so cool to me.
Favorite Grass Type Pokemon
This one is simple, what is your favorite grass type Pokemon? I expect most people to chose a grass starter. In fact, my favorite Pokemon (of all time) is Grookey.
[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet] Prepare for Mass Outbreaks of Hard-to-Find Pokémon!
Catch Version-Exclusive Pokémon to Help Complete Your Pokédex! Get ready to track down some Pokémon you may have had trouble finding! From Friday, January 26, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 28, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Gulpin, Stunky, Skrelp, and Clauncher will be appearing throughout the Paldea region.…
[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet] Challenge Flutter Mane and Iron Jugulis Soon!
Catch Version-Exclusive Paradox Pokémon! From Friday, January 26, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, January 28, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, Flutter Mane will be appearing in Tera Raid Battles in the Pokémon Scarlet game and Iron Jugulis will be appearing in Tera Raid Battles in the Pokémon Violet game. These Pokémon will have various…
Leakers and Dataminers! Thieves or Menaces!
To be honest, I am really sick and tired of Leakers and Dataminers always ruining the surprise no matter what medium pokemon before being presented. I even consider the main Protagonists in Pokemon horizons as nothing more than pirates. Same with Leakers and Dataminers. If I work for the Pokemon Company, I will make…