Time to celebrates the 2nd anniversary of Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Oh boy, time sure flies. I like the design of Cogita and Volo, and I still can't get over the theme when a wild Pokémon spot you. This game feels like a fresh experience to me. If a new entry like this ever exist, I'm quite curious if it is centered on Johto as a way to makes further references to the Sinjoh ruins from…
Favorite Normal Type
The most normal Pokemon are normal type Pokemon and I would like to know what is your favorite one. There are a lot of choices for Normal type Pokemon but I must say my favorite is Wooloo because it is the first non-starter Pokemon I caught in a main game.
What are your favourite paradox pokemon?
There are a lot of great paradox designs, but I'd say my favourite is walking wake because IT WALKS ON THE WAKE, and I think thas very cool
Was this battle winnable against Factory Head Thorton?
So I was playing the battle factory and was using my starters: Aggron, and Lickilicky and a random Bellosom for my lead. Thorton was rocking aCrobat, Rhyperior, and Toxicroak. So turn 1, I immediately switch out to Aggron. Turn 2 I Rock Slide-MISS Turn 3 Thorton switches to Rhyperior. So was this battle winnable or did I…
Which pokemon do you think should get a new form next?
Whether it be a paradox form, regional variant, or evolution, what will you choose? An underrated classic, charizard (again x 4) or the abomination itself, watchog? My personal picks are dewgong, reuniclus, ariados, and kermit.
Next Mainline Game
Personally i think that EVERY pokemon should be in the next gen and also megas have got to come back. Pokemon Listen to the people
Favorite Fire Type
What is your favorite fire type Pokémon? I would probably have to choose between Gouging Fire and Centiscorch. Also, I would be genuinely surprised if no said Charizard.
Transferring to Pokemon Home from Omega Ruby
Long story short, I recently got back into Pokemon and have a lot of shiny pokemon on my Omega Ruby file I'd like to transfer up to more recent games. I have Pokemon Home set up, BUT I never got Pokemon Bank on my 3DS and apparently I can't get it anymore, and from what I can tell I need that to transfer from 3DS to Home.…
Bracket #2 Match #3, Best Paldea Pokemon Of All Time : Forums Edition
Time for the little guys with multiple forms. -Tatusgiri -Maushold Line The final answer only has one form... you choose.
Bracket #2 Match #4, Best Paldea Pokemon Of All Time : Forums Edition
Okay, so now we have the humans. -Gholdengo Line -Charcadet Line -Palafin Line I think I calculated wrong, so this one has 3 options. Whoops.