Will There be Another Mythical Pokemon in the SV Games?
My brother was wondering if there would be another Mythical Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. There was only one Galarian Mythical and to me it feels like the is the only Mythical they'll make for this region. If you think another Mythical Pokemon will be added please tell me.
Dream Eeveelutions
What ate your dream eeveelutions if you could have 1 or 2 more Eeveelutions what type would they be?
having both versions of a pokemon game on switch is really great
because you can have one version with all your pokemon, breed,shiny hunting,competitve, etc. and the other one can be used for challanges. lets say i want to start an all dragon/ghost/bug whatever playthrough. i breed all the pokemon i want on the team on my main game and on the second one every time i want to start a new…
What pokémon are rarest in pokemon Alola?
I know theres Salamence and Volcorona but is there anybody else? And Volcorona is my new favourite fire.
competitive BDSP?
any idea if its active? i just bought the game and finished it yesterday. tried to trade with link codes but no ones there. i dont like S/V because of the poor preformence and annoying loading. i also not a big fan of the new pokemon with too strong attacks. i want to try competitve in BDSP. i feel like its more…
pronouncing Pokemon names that are from your own country
Hi, I'm from Germany and I hate to admit that even I sometimes do not know how to pronounce a pokemon's in German so I just say it in English lol Do any of yall have a similar problem like this, where you say the English name of the pokémon first versus compared to your own country's? also, I think Ill like saying Pikachu…
Voltorb and Electrode are the best gen 1 pokemon
They are my favourite gen 1 mon👍👍👍
On this day, let's celebrates the 2nd anniversary of Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Oh boy, time sure flies. I like the design of Cogita and Volo. I still can't get over the theme when a wild Pokémon spot you. If a new game like this ever exist, I'm quite curious if it is centered on Johto as a way to makes further references to the Sinjoh ruins from Heart Gold/Soul Silver. As long Perrin is in it, I'll…
Time to celebrates the 2nd anniversary of Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Oh boy, time sure flies. I like the design of Cogita and Volo, and I still can't get over the theme when a wild Pokémon spot you. This game feels like a fresh experience to me. If a new entry like this ever exist, I'm quite curious if it is centered on Johto as a way to makes further references to the Sinjoh ruins from…
Favorite Normal Type
The most normal Pokemon are normal type Pokemon and I would like to know what is your favorite one. There are a lot of choices for Normal type Pokemon but I must say my favorite is Wooloo because it is the first non-starter Pokemon I caught in a main game.