Which Gen 9 Pokémon do you like the most?
I confess that my favorite Pokémon from Paldea are: Fuecoco, I confess that Fuecoco is like my best friend Pokémon, his goofy smile really brightens my day, he's so cute, he's one of those Pokémon that brightens my day, Sprigatito, she's really cute too, Quaxly is also cute, but of the three, I always choose Fuecoco, I…
Shiny Pokemon that need to be changed or fixed
Name some Pokemon that need better shinies! Like Gengar, Gimmighoul/Gholdengo, and Garchomp. I mean, they changed Combusken's shiny so why can't they change all the other ones?
Borrow Pokemon?
Does anyone have any of the following Pokémon that I can borrow and breed, then return? Just trying to get a full living dex. Thanks! Looking for: Pansage/Simisage Pansear/Simisear Panpour/Simipour Patrat/Watchog Unovan Stunfisk
Let’s answer all unanswered questions
Hi! I’m trying to answer all unanswered questions but I need help. Just comment on here either a link to an unanswered question or tell me if u answer one
Hi, i made this very cool art of Glalie, I call it Cobson
Hi, i made this very cool art of Glalie, I call it Cobson. I think he will always be a gem, no matter what. So any thoughts?
What do you think about the new syncro feature in the indigo disc
Are Pokémon whose parents are hacked legal?
Hi! A few months ago my friend traded me a hacked typhlosion and ditto. They both had all 31 Ev in every stat. I am wanting a competitive Hisuian typhlosion and I was wondering if I could use these two as its parents and if it would still be competitive legal
Can someone hook me up with a Miraidon?
I traded my previously traded Koraidon for someone’s shiny Raikou, and now no one wants to trade me a Miraidon. I lost the Raikou, so… would a Miraidon for free be okay?? Trade link in the comments if so please!
Favourite and least favourite pokemons
My favourite: Electrode My least favourite:Lucario
Pokemon SV Completion
Hey, I'm a FULL Pokemon SV finisher, but I need something to keep me busy while they remake Gen 5. Anybody have ideas?