for example let’s say I lose my first tournaments at local will that define me for the rest of my time playing?
Is this a good team for elite 4 if I level them up more for fire red Dugtrio-lvl43 Pidgeot-lvl44 Machoke-lvl47 Snorlax-lvl47 Blastoise-lvl45 Exeggcute-lvl29 working on this one
This could be either just your favorite or just the best competitively in your opinion. My personal favorite is Oddish cause he’s just a lil grassy blueberry boy.
(in your opinion)
My favorite part on Pokémon is the curves and general shapes of them. But Dragapult is like whatever.
Admittedly, I don’t really judge my Pokémon based on stats. I’m mostly all about the visual design. And Umbreon to me looks very strange. Especially with how the ears are drawn, and the lack of mouth. Yet it’s the most popular Eeveelution to date, why? I can’t be the only one who thinks this.
I redeemed a bunch of booster packs. However, I can't find the cards anywhere in Pokémon TCG Live. How do I get to them? Am I allowed to utilize them in games? Please let me know. Thanks.
I’m really hoping for a new pokemon ranger or poke park game. That or another mystery dungeon but we did get one some years ago. What do you guys think?