Lets see what pokemon is the most liked!
Sir Christos pls help
So why was my Ash Ketchum story removed over something so petty as to titling the thread as my original interpretation? This is a place to talk about Pokémon is it not?
I'm looking for those of us that their first game was Black 2 or White 2. Have you replayed it recently? What are the most nostalgia induced moments for you? Do you know it is the worst Pokemon game? Which starter did you choose first? Which starter do you play with now? Would you ever gift someone the game?
It's no secret that Scarlet and Violet are the worst pokemon games to ever be released. It's also no secret that Unite is a complete disaster. And don't even get me started on LIVE. Here's what I propose. A reset to the Pokemon Games. Most of you are probably scratching your heads right now and wondering what I'm on about.…
I forgork som
for example let’s say I lose my first tournaments at local will that define me for the rest of my time playing?
Is this a good team for elite 4 if I level them up more for fire red Dugtrio-lvl43 Pidgeot-lvl44 Machoke-lvl47 Snorlax-lvl47 Blastoise-lvl45 Exeggcute-lvl29 working on this one