Suggestion for New Pokemon Game Creations Nintendo Switch
As most of us know, we are in a new era of gaming where designers/programmers can update an entire game live (with an internet connection). This makes me wonder why Pokemon developers keep coming out with completely new content instead of incorporating what we have loved with every game they've ever made, or have both. Why…
Friends on Pokémon go
I need more friends to raid and send gifts with!! My screen name is cheychey878 and my trainer code is 910442792053
My first actual opinion
Can anyone try to replace the lyrics of a song and make it Pokémon themed pls post yours in the comments
In pla, I don't have the shiny charm. I'm getting shiny hisuian braviaries from rufflet outbreaks. I'm getting 4 shinies in 2 minutes. I'm getting every shiny I don't want. I'm getting every shiny I really want. But the ONE shiny I REALLY want is nowhere to be found. AND IT ISNT EVEN THAT RARE OF A SHINY. What are the odds…
Shiny Trade Request
As you might've guessed through Pokemon Go and Pokemon SV, I have accrued lots of shiny Pokemon duplicates and all of them aren't hacked. Totaling about around 300. The following shiny Pokemon I'm seeking as it follows, Charmander (even 2 of them), a female Eevee, a female houndour, female corsola (Johto not Galar),…
I am unable to retreat 1 energy retreat pokemon against Feraligatr deck
I was using a Raging Bolt Ex deck fighting against a Feraligatr deck. When s/he bossed my Radiant greninja into the active slot I was unable to retreat the whole fight despite having one energy attached to it. Recently this happened again against a Feraligatr deck but this time my Fezandipiti was in my active slot and i…
Melmetal 2x
Hi all, Need Melmetal 2x and Meltan 1x I have probably everything, please just tell me that you need to trade. ID 8744-1221-7661-1414 Thanks
Tera Ability Bug
Played a match using the cofagrigus from SSP, that places damage counters on pokemon with abilities. There was a cornerstone ogerpon on the bench (Tera) and the game did not register the damage counters. There was no other effect in play to block it, like Mist energy, so I can only imagine that the Tera ability was…
Ok I'll say it
I don't actually think all those things on my recent post I was just playing a game where u have to figure out my pattern on my recent posts. And the answer is everything is CAMMAN18 themed!
This is ugly...18
Has anyone noticed that the nest ball looks so ugly like I have to catch a Pokémon and I have to look at this unholy ugly abomination!?