Minecraft mon
I made different Minecraft themed Pokémon titles what is your fav
Lucario Upgrades
If Cinderace has Pyro ball like an attack which is really powerful you should have lucario’s Aura sphere as a normal attack and not the unite movement. Please make Lucario better with his aura sphere.
Pokedex unknown facts- Garchomp
I'm aware that Garchomp can fly in incredible speeds and it can also swim. But the main question being, can it breathe underwater? Based on its design, Garchomp is partially based on a shark so it might be possible that it can swim in an aquatic life, hunting and breathing at the same time.
favorite disliked or underrated pokemon?
mine are mienshao, mawile, and chimecho.. mienshao has a competitive niche but not useful enough to be popular, mawile's only talked about when it comes to megas, and the last important chimecho appearance i can think of was back when james had one. poor guys need more love!!
...I'm Bored.
I feel like this discussion has been a long time coming, and I'm finally gonna get it all out today. Like the title says, I'm bored. I feel like these forums have kind of dissolved from what they used to be. Nobody is having good discussions anymore. It's just people shouting each other down about conceding matches too…
A topic I want to discuss
anybody a fan of the ultra recon squad?
i love them to bits ❤️❤️ i’m the ultra recon squad’s #1 fan they’re my faves ever. i got on here just to ask this question PLEASEEE
Evil team bracket round 3 #3
Is hisui gen 8?
Is hisuian considered to be part of generation 8? Its isn't gen nine and I don't knoww if it was clasified as gen 8. The pokemon from hisui are in between ges 8 and 9. If you know please say so.
Boss’s Orders
I believe this card and other such cards have brought about some real problems to the PTCG world for the past several years. Removing them and replacing them with Pokémon abilities, or adding some better counters such as tool cards. You could also use other mechanics that would help build a platform for a richer strategy…