Mythical bracket 2 #1
Diance (it has a mega) vs mew (timeless) vs shaymin (has beat arceus) this is going to be one of the hardest rounds that will happen
Your Psychic Gym and Pokemon
If you were a psychic type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Beheeyem, Reuniclus, Rabsca, Musharna, Malamar, and Solrock or Lunatone depending on the game (or if were being more realistic the time of day). The challenge would be that you have to walk done a path…
if there is a new eeveelution for eevee what type would you hope it to be
personally i would like to see poison or bug type
Mythical bracket round 2 #1
Meloetta (my favorite mythical) vs manaphy (the thing that can clone)
Pokémon Protagonist Tournament: Round 1: Match 2
And for this match, our competitors are.. Victor (Galar's male protagonist) Vs Akari (Hisui's female protagonist) Both of these are from gen 8! The characters are chosen randomly btw. Last match, May won against Elio (not sure if this discussion or that comment will get approved first).
Who are some of your favorite....and least favorite Pokemon YouTubers?
Who are some of your favorite....and least favorite Pokemon YouTubers?
Favorite Game That's Not Pokemon
My favorite game series is Pikmin what about you?
Black and White remake leak?
Recently a leak surfaced showcasing a model of Ghetsis in the style of BDSP and people are angry that Pokémon is using the chibi style again and (presumably) having ILCA develop the Gen 5 remakes. The leak was posted on 4Chan and also says that: The new Pokémon Presents will be shown on 24.2.2024 (2.24.2024 for people in…
Favorite baby pokemon
I’m just curious what everyone’s favorite baby pokemon is for me I would say mime jr. or riolu
Mythical bracket #11
This is the last one before round 2 were the winners from round 1 will randomly paired up again and face off so choose wisely magearna vs phione will it be the mechanical marvel or the Manaphy clone I am 77% sure of who is going to win