Should we get more version exclusive things?
Pokémon Protagonist Tournament Round 1: Match 3
This time, we have... Leaf (FRLG female protagonist) against.. Ethan (Johto's male protagonist) Characters who've won so far: May and Akari Characters who've lost so far: Elio and Victor
Your normal type gym and pokemon
If you were a normal type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. This is going to be part of a series that I'm going to do on each of the types
Your Electric Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an electric type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of boltund, eelektross, heliolisk, galvantula, lanturn, and electivire. The gym would be a pokeball factory and you have to get to me through a conveyer belt maze. Some have gym trainers at the end of…
Your Water Type Gym And Pokemon
If you were a water type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of huntail, lanturn, wishiwashi, crawdaunt, relicanth, and dewgong. The gym would be a marine biology institute and an aquarium. the challenged would be to help find an elusive pokemon hiding in the water.…
Your Ice Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an ice type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Arctozolt, Dewgong, Aurorus, Vanilluxe, Avaugg, and Iron Bundle. The gym would be an ice-skating park and the challange would be that you have to so a 3-round ice-skating race the progressively gets…
Pokemon Base form
Pokemon Starter Base Form Bracket Round 1 Match 2
Treecko VS Grookey BEGIN!
Gym leader bracket #1
I know the mythical bracket is not finished yet but I’m starting this one a little early (because of how many rounds are in it) it is a little funny what the first pair that was randomly decided to go against each other piers vs rhyme which singer will win
Mythical bracket round 2 #2
Manaphy (the thing that clones) vs meloetta (my favorite) sorry for getting the title wrong before please respond to this one