Pokemon Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 5

Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
Litten Vs Eevee
@Michael629303 Said I could vote so 1 for Litten
Previous Rounds
Squirtle Vs Charmander
Totodile Vs Scorbunny
Grookey Vs Treecko
Lets let a fire starter enter the good starter list PLEASE
Best Answer
And The Winner is LITTEN
don't let me influence this
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@clasingla few good Gen 1 pokemon?
We’ve got a Gen fiver here
Just teasing why do you think they suck?
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Eevee's not a starter… Also how did I misss so many of these? Anyway I vote Litten.
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@OlderAngel11 if you include the lets go eevee/pikachu then it would be.
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Yeah, but are we doing that?
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@OlderAngel11 yeah @Hey_PIKMIN had mentioned that there were included.
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Ah. Okay.