Something wierd
I legit have only experienced one glitch in the entirety of Scarlet and Violet and I think it's one of the reasons why it's one of my favorite Pokemon games.
If you can make a Legendary for Pokemon, what would you make?
I really want a Legendary that is Dragon Electric. It would have two forms, one Dragon Electric, and Dragon Water. Its signature move would be Storm Strike, an electric move if it is in the first form, and Storm Splash, a water type move for the second form. And it would be an evolution to Gyarados! But you can only evolve…
Hi I'm new
let's talk about my new theories...
One of the theories that i came up with is that there are three mewtwo's out in the pokemon world. google might be saying that there are only 2 mewtwo's there but there are not. let me explain. we all know that the og mewtwo first destroyed the lab he was made in then escaped and made his own empire for a short while in…
Does anybody play PoGo
If you play Pokemon go and want new friends this could be a new discussion "room"
should i trade my mewtwo gx
yep someone wants to trade a vmax for mewtwo gx
If I was to redesign any Pokémon species, do you think I should rename them? Why?
Someday, for Nintendo and the Pokémon Company, I have been about to design Pokémon for the Pokémon alternate continuity video game franchise, should rename their species? Why? Please let me know, thanks.🙂
What’s your favourite Fully-Evolved Pokémon?
Mine is Hydreigon. It’s got a weirdly cute, but very cool design and that’s why it’s my favourite fully-evolved Pokémon. (And maybe a certain meme)
Major Shiny Trade needed
I have right now are 11 shiny flamigo, 3 seviper, 5 Fraxure, 7 Cetoddle, 3 ekans, and 5 Silicobra. There are some I want to keep but for those who can't be able to catch 1 shiny, it can be yours for a price. A trade of what kind of Pokemon (strictly shiny), low level, and what gender of said shiny Pokemon. It depends on…
Why is there competitive gen 5, it shouldn't exist with all the UB mons?
I mean with amoongus existed its wondered if gen 5 is an obsolete roster, i mean ferrothorn was short lived but amoongus that lived until counters