The Official Unofficial Pokemon Forums Shiny News Discussion

I would like you all to discuss with me your shiny catches BUT! You can only post recent catches
Earlier today I caught a Shiny Alolan Grimer in the indigo disk whilst trying to catch all the starters for my dex
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I appreciate you labeling it "unofficial", but what makes it officially unofficial, huh? I demand officiation for your official unofficial thread!
Do I need to go through official channels?
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I know shinies are easier to find in pokemon go but here are some shinies I've caught the past 2 weeks. (there is a ridiculous amount, the most shinies i've ever caught in such a short period of time (excluding community days)).
Hisuin Voltorb
And to top it all off, the rarest wild spawn shiny i have ever encountered… Shiny Azelf! I used my masterball on this little bugger as the catch rate is so low and no way was i letting it escape.
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Shiny Totodile in HGSS. I haven't gotten many in the last few months though because I've been busy shiny hunting Rowlet in Moon and Ho-oh in Heart Gold. Rowlet has made me use over 24 hours of my life just spamming the A button and yet it refuses to appear. Why. This is why I never chose Rowlet before.
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4 Hisuian Voltorb, 1 Kantonian Voltorb, and 4 Foongus just before Pokemon Day. One of the Foongus even has the Uncommon Mark.
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>:) I own a legal document that says it's officially unofficial
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This morning I was in the indigo disk and I saw a green and blue galarian slowpoke, I thought it was a shiny but it was just a glitch :(