Can we figure out which megas are X and which ones are Y?

Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
We all know of Charizard and Mewtwo having two megas and x and a y
But what I think is truly very interesting is that the x megas seem to give new secoundary typings and the Y megas take the original idea and make it much better
So would that mean that Sceptile and Swampert are X and the other starters are Y?
Also if we were to get a hypothetical Z mega what would it be?
I would assume it to be either new first typing or 2 new types
1 new type and looks like a "final form" of the Pokémon. Not sure about the first part but I'm expecting Charizard and Mewtwo Z (if they are ever made) to look like a final boss, like Zygarde's 100% form.