daily thoughts on pokemon #22
todays thought is on krokorok i think krokorok is fine i liked ash's krokorok cause it always wore sunglasses but for regular krokorok's i feel they are pretty cool i'm not the biggest fan of its shiny and perfer its original colors and i know there are going to be people who will not like this i feel it is the best middle…
I’m thinking of buying a 3ds
I know it’s lifecycles over but i can’t stand waiting 20-30 years when 3ds is put in the online library should I do it
grass type elite 4 (clasingla)
player walks in Clasingla: you think that thou can beat the elite 4 by my calculations you probably brought a pokemon super effective against me battle commences: clasingla pokemon breloom meganium roserade gourgiest and ace hydrapple Clasingla: congrats i calculated you must have been a strong trainer the battle took…
Gym leader bracket round 3 #1
crasher wake 14 Vs Cheren 3
Fairy type move bracket round 2 #5
g-max finale Vs Moonlight
Main line game bracket #4
crystal Vs platinum Vs Emerald
Your Dragon Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an Dragon type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your Pokémon be. My team would consist of Goodra, Kommo-o, Noivern, Exeggutor, Tyrantrum, and Hydreigon. I would be a Cultural Researcher. The challenge would be to stop a rampaging dragon type pokemon. This is the Eleventh installment in this…
daily thoughts on pokemon #17
todays thought is on ursaluna for me this pokemon introduced in legends arceus was an okay ride pokemon (i mostly use basculigeon hisuin braviary and wyrdeer) i feel what made it intressting is that you could dig up pieces of lor that i liked to collect and read and the bloodmoon ursaluna quest in scarlet and violet dlc…
Why TiMi Studio Group devs selected Gyarados as a playable Pokémon for Pokémon UNITE?
Hey, I'm just wanting to know why you think that Chinese video game developer has selected Gyarados for a playable battle character Pokémon for Pokémon UNITE, the game? You think that's because it is a popular Pokémon despite not having actually climbed on the Top 30 list of most popular Kantonian Pokémon during the…
Fighter Pokémon Unfit for Pokkén Tournament?
Which kinds of Pokémon as playable fighters do you think are unfit for Pokkén Tournament? Why?