My Dream Pokemon Region base
Aztecs and Mexico Egypt Australia China Rome Italy. What are you all's dream regions you hope to see in a future pokemon game?
Bond Phenomenon in Pokemon games
Faint heart of curiosity. Is the bond phenomenon gimmick a one time thing like the battle bond Greninja or are we about to see more in the near future?
Ideas for a Gen 10 or future gen
Australia based. But dlcs 1 travels to New Zealand, dlc 2 travels to Madagascar. Starter ideas. Grass type Koala Fire type Spider Water Type Kangaroo. Mythical Pokemon based off of a Sand Demon. New legendary trio. The lost Trio: (Have fun putting ideas together for this trio) I had ideas but I'm sure people can think of…
Pokemon who never had an Evolution what if?
Skaramory Miltank Pre Evolution Tauros Pre Evolution Kangaskhan Pre Evolution Etc. If these pokemon had a pre evolution or Evolution what would they evolve into? I have an Idea for Skaramory. How about Skarforge?
What do I do
Spinoff bracket round 3 #1
super mystery dungeon Vs Dream radar
Javar: The Lore of the Terror King
I want to talk about how Tsaravage was originated. One time, me, and one of my friends had some love for Pokémon, so we tried making our own region. He said he sent it to Game Freak, but they turned it down for many reasons. One, we copyrighted from many games, especially popular ones. Two, my art designs for Dark type…
Pokémon spinoff bracket round 2 #12
rumble Vs Tcg (gameboy)
There’s a really bad glitch
In Pokémon Scarlet when I leave Delibird Gifts in Mesagoza, sometimes the game will freeze and I won’t be able to move or go to any menus. I can’t save, so I have to exit the game or wait for an auto-save. I really need this problem fixed because I am trying to buy items there I can’t normally find for my battle team. I’m…
Which region screams adventure for you?
Minus Paldea Region, Which region screams adventure for you? My case, Alola, Kalos, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Unova.