What Pokémon would you like to see in legends Z-A
In my opinion I would like Talonflame and Crustle get a mega.
Pokémon Powerhouse
I confess that I loved that they finally named the group of powerful Pokémon that we used to call Pseudo-Legendaries, I confess that I loved the name Pokémon Powerhouse, and now, to introduce my first subject about Pokémon Powerhouse What are your favorite Pokémon Powerhouse? Mine are: Dragonite and that includes Dratini…
Picture of Azumarill
August 2024 Nintendo Direct or not?
question being whether if Nintendo direct will truly show up this August? If Not, that means pokemon day next year.
Pokémon Center’s offical plushes are too expensive.
Seriously, around 20 - 30$ average for a small plush is ridiculous. In fact all the prices in the store are pretty pricey. Why?
Spinoff bracket round 3 #5
I’m so sorry Ranger shadow of almia Vs Mystery dungeon explorers of sky
Possible Mega evolutions from Paldea region pokemon via Legends Z-A
which pokemon from paldea you want to see a mega evolution? Minus the Paradox Pokemon and the Finizen Line. I would like to see Charcadet's branch evolutions getting mega evolutions. Same with Bombirdier and Flamigo.
Help Evolving Finizen
Hey everyone, As the title says I'm looking for friends to help me evolve Finizen, as well as play Scarlet/Violet with. I have a few shiny Pokemon up for grabs if you are interested! A few Mareep, Charmander and a Skarmory. Thank you!!
Do you think Volcanion created Alola?
If Hawaii was created by volcanoes, and Alola IS Hawaii then… Also, Volcanion is a Mythical pokemon so it has enough power to do it. AND it comes from Kalos, the region right before Alola.
Why Powerhouse?
I know that "pseudo-legendary" is a fan-made term, but assuming "powerhouse" is the official term, isn't it too vague? I mean, don't me wrong, "powerhouse" means something powerful, and if anything can be powerful, nothing would be. And some folks see strength as but a mere illusion. Like, with a word with connotations as…