What is the cutest Pokémon?
And why is it Rowlet
Reminder, my greatest Pseudo-legendary of all time
To truly understand the king of the underworld, look up "Javar: the Lore of the Terror King" to know Tsaravage's backstory. Also read the very end and don't forget.
I have an idea
it’s not very smart but what if I try for a no damage run of the game and if I take damage (minus first fight) I have to restart from the last time I saved
Spinoff bracket round 3 #2
Tcg (gameboy) Vs Channel I’m surprised that both of these made it through round two
Spinoff bracket round 3 #4
this will be a hard one Pokken tournement Vs New Pokémon snap
What is your least favorite NPC from the Pokémon series? Mine is the scammer who gives you a Haunter with an Everstone. If I met that girl in real life and she does that to me, I will grab the sharpest knife I have and get her IP address. Also, that scam method is what I do if a trader in Scarlet and Violet doesn't return…
should these happen and what would you call the remakes
Pokemon Gen 2 Pokemon Crystal remake, and Pokemon Gen 3 Emerald remake? My idea even tho people despise let's go games Pokemon Crystal remakes: Let's Go Marill and Let's Go Let's go Togepi For Pokemon Emerald remakes: Lets Go Torchic and Let's Go Treecko. But if they got remakes what would your all's ideas be?
Spinoff bracket round 3 #3
mystery dungeon rescue team dx Vs Puzzle league
My Dream Pokemon Region base
Aztecs and Mexico Egypt Australia China Rome Italy. What are you all's dream regions you hope to see in a future pokemon game?
Bond Phenomenon in Pokemon games
Faint heart of curiosity. Is the bond phenomenon gimmick a one time thing like the battle bond Greninja or are we about to see more in the near future?