Looking for Darkrai ex and weavile ex, I have most ex's
My friend code is 8645062256554196 I have most ex's from before space-time packs and have palkia and a couple more ex's from new one. Also looking for pokemon communication, Cyrus, and dawn as well. Thanks!
Spacetime Smackdown needed
looking for anybody with some Spacetime Smackdown cards to spare! I’m in need of: Torterra #12 Magnezone #53 Dusknoir #72 Rhyperior #82 Weavile EX #99 Darkrai #109 Dialga EX #119 Have plenty of GApex and MIsland to send your way, with some STSmackdown available too. Let me know
Need a Ex- Moltres
I need a ex moltres, I can trade for exeggutor ex, arcanine ex and mewtwo ex. My id number: 3498457380736642
Iso: Gengar ex 4diamond
ISO: Gengar ex FT: Celbi ex articuno ex starmie ex blastoise ex mew two ex Pidgeot ex Friend ID: 9305550210430946
Can someone add me as a friend on TCG Pocket?
My friend code is 9539583610609030 I am trying to level up as much as I can.
2 Needed
Omastar Gyarados Just name the 3* you need :)
Help me complete genetic apex pls
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104
Trading! Desperately Need
Looking For Starmie EX Gyarados EX Froakie Can give (among others) Marowak EX Pidgeot EX MewTwo EX Friend ID is 2003539133322638
Looking for the following; Genetic Apex Metalman no. 182 Dragonite no. 185 Nidorino no. 170 Kabutops no. 159 Mythical Island Golem no. 045 Can trade for; Venesaur no.3 Butterfree no. 07 Flareon no. 45 Blastoise no. 55 Alakazam no. 117 I you want to set up a trade let me know what you have below.