LF 1 Star Dragonite
Looking for a 1 star Dragonite from Genetic Apex I can offer a 1 star Gloom, Alakazam, Golbat or Weezing Code: 5928920711471067 User name: Logos
Need 3 cards
Greninja Kabutops Wigglytuff Ex ID: 7736485411392226 Tell me what you want and I’ll answer. Thanks
Looking for Moltres EX 047/226
Trade completed thank you.
NEED: Pidgeot EX TRADE: Moltres/Charizard/Mewtu/...
Hello I need one Pidgeot EX I can give (all EX): CHARIZARD/MOLTRES/MEWTU/PIKACHU/GYARADOS/WIGGLYTUFF Thank you!
LF Darkrai EX Offering Weavile/Pidgeot/Aerodactyl/Wigglytuff/Marowak EX
Looking for a Darkrai EX from the new Dailga packs, have the above EX pokemon to offer :)
Need Pidgeot EX (ENG)
Friend id: 2290537206169906 Seeking: Pidgeot EX (ENG) Trading: Exeggutor, Arcanine, Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, Machamp, Celebi, Mew (all EX)
Looking for genetic apex exxecutor ex. Mythical island Pigeot ex Comment what you need Friend code: 1336336066549342
Pidgeot Ex - Mythical Island 59/68
I would like to offer one of the below for the above card in a trade please - I have the trade points ready aerodactyl ex - 46/68 Mex ex - 32/68 gyarados ex - 18/68 marowak ex - 153/226 mewtwo ex - 129/226 gengar ex - 123/226 Zapdos ex - 104/226 blastoise ex - 56/226 moltres ex - 47/226 charizard ex - 36/226 friend ID -…
Need Moltres EX
Got. Thanks all
Need Pidgeot EX, can trade any of the below;
full arts- gyarados, Lapras, alakazam, weezing, meowth, exeggutor, vaporeon, marshadow EX- moltres, blastoise, zapdos, gengar, mewtwo, machamp, celebi, gyarados Add me if you need any of the above 0286757260462332