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Charizard Tera ex is a skill-less deck

OKPlan_B Member Posts: 20
10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees Name Dropper

This deck is so simple, anyone can use it. Which is great from an accessibility standpoint, but it takes no skill. It's literally just spam cards until you have 3/4 Charizards on the bench and energy everywhere, then just spam attack. Even when trying to force a deck out, the Burning Darkness attack usually just one hits most Pokemon, even with no prize cards taken. Every time I play against this deck, I audibly groan at how easy it is to play and how little actual thought it requires.

TL;DR - Charizard Tera ex is silly deck and I will celebrate the day it's out of rotation.



  • Darkblaze65
    Darkblaze65 Member Posts: 4
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    You think TCPI would have balanced it a bit better. Making its attack cost one extra energy, giving it 300 HP, or making it's initial damage start at 150 would have all been better ways of balancing it. It still would be a top-tier deck, but more manageable when facing it. Alas, Charizard is TCPI's favorite Pokémon.

  • OKPlan_B
    OKPlan_B Member Posts: 20
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    I agree, they should have nerfed it by far. Even something like Koraidon ex with Dino Cry, it only does 2 energy attachment and the attack costs 3. Plus, the turn ends when using this ability. They should have at least added some caveat to the card. Attack starts at 130, or costs 3 energy, or they can only attach 2 energy when played.

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 694 ✭✭✭✭
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    @OKPlan_B if you spam cards until you have 3/4 Charizards on the bench then at that point you are extremely vulnerable to TM Devolution, one of the anti-Charizard tech cards.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The deck is very easy to play, but it is in no way overpowered. If you really struggle against it, just play four TM devo and stop whining.

  • emcees
    emcees Member Posts: 21
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    @Darkblaze65 @OKPlan_B

    If you hate Charizard ex so much, you should use Stallax or Pigeot ex control. Those are some of Charizard ex's worst match ups.

    Charizard ex is a good deck, but there are many others. It is entirely possible to beat Charizard ex. take the last international championship for example, there where 9 different decks that placed top 16 (Charizard ex, Giratina Vstar, Pigeot ex control, Roaring moon, Iron hands ex turbo, Snorlax mill, Gardivoir ex, ancient box, Lost box) all of these decks are completely capable of winning against Charizard ex. All of these decks probably won against several Charizard decks in order to place that high in the Europe international championship.

    We currently have a very wide meta, if you look at the Europe international championships in 2022, there were only 4 different decks that placed top 8. There are many decks capable of consistently winning against Charizard.

    Charizard ex is by no means a skill-less deck. It is the best deck in the format, but not by much. People playing Charizard ex can make mistakes. People can play Charizard ex perfectly and still loose.

    If Charizard ex was nerfed (this has never happened and never will) then some other deck would become the best deck in the format (lets just say Giratina Vstar) then people would start complaining about how good Giratina Vstar is, and then there would be no choice but to nerf Giratina Vstar (again this never happens), we would continue the nerfing spiral until… every card has been nerfed and Charizard ex is once again the best deck.

    The point of all this is to say that it's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponent has been dealt.

  • OKPlan_B
    OKPlan_B Member Posts: 20
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    @Octowen Although it is possble to use TM Devolution, if they already have 2 Zard ex on field and you devolve them and knock one out the other one comes out next turn and is able to use its ability again. It's not a perfect solution.

    @OlderAngel11 It is overpowered. The cards needs a caveat as stated. Even with TM Devolution, if they have 2 or more it basically helps them as they are able to evolve again next turn and use the ability to get more energy on the field. Unless they all have 100+ damage on them, a TM Devo can help them.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @OKPlan_B Your first statement makes no sense. Perhaps you haven't read TM Devolution, but the attack devolves all of your opponent's pokemon. Maybe I misunderstood you, but the way you say it it makes it seem like you think that it only devolves one of the Zards. Also, they will never need to use Infernal Reign on anything other than itself. Zard itself is pretty much the only attacker, so if you have energies on one or two, then using Infernal Reign again is not helpful. Zard does not need a caveat, it does so little damage as is, and as Emcees stated, we would probably just end up needing to nerf everything until nothing is fun or playable. You can whine all you want, but this card will not be changed.

  • RayAndYuki
    RayAndYuki Member Posts: 10
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    learning that TM de-evolution has been a lovely eye opener for me, but how exactly do you stop the second turn rare candy evo then?

  • Hyperion924955
    Hyperion924955 Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
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    Spend more time practicing and learning and less time complaining and you might learn how to beat it. If that's too hard then competitive isn't for you. Go jump on the casual ladder.

  • OKPlan_B
    OKPlan_B Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    @emcees I'm aware there are counters to this deck, but I hate that I have to always be prep6toncounter this deck on the Live app. It seems that everyone is running it. That's more the problem I have. I've started having to use a Torterra ex deck to counter it. I understand the whole "nerf-spiral" loop, and I know none of these cards will actually be nerfed. This was more a post to complain since it's not really fun to go up against an annoying overpowered deck like Charizard Tera ex.

    @OlderAngel11 I'm aware how the TM works, but it just puts the top evolution of each Pokemon back into the hand. It can just be slapped right back down next turn. The Zard ex paired with Arcanine ex or Radiant Charizard make the Zard ex not the only hitter. Plus, although the Infernal Reign does 180 base, it does 30 more for each prize card taken. So it quickly climbs to 200+ an attack if I get just one prize. I'm well aware nothing will actually get done, and I have counter decks to this meta. But, this post was to complain about how much this deck is getting used and how simple minded it is. It's not dufun to comstnstantly go against the same OP deck, and this post was litteerally made for me to complain about it.