zekrom (paradox rift 066/182) raging thunder 130*

so when you use this move it says "this attack also does 40 damage to 1 of your benched pokemon" but if your benched pokemon is froslass ex (paradox rift 217/182) (tera - "as long as this pokemon is on your bench, prevent all damage done to this pokemon by attacks (both yours and your opponent,s)"....does this mean i get to use zekroms attack without applying damage to my benched pokemon?
You still technically have to choose a benched Pokemon, but if you choose a Pokemon with the Tera attribute (or any other effect that prevents damage, like Plasma Freeze's Mr Mime's Bench Barrier) it'll be protected from the damage.
With that said Zekrom and Froslass aren't cards that work very well together in a deck (and realistically 40 damage is so little that if you wanted to run a rogue Zekrom deck you could probably just stomach taking the damage, it's going to get OHKO'd anyway)