Psychic Embrace knocked out Pokémon

In Turn # 5 - powt0925's Turn
Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace and put 10 damage counters on a 90 HP Scream Tail🙄.
powt0925 chose tails for the opening coin flip.
Baitenkai18 won the coin toss.
Baitenkai18 decided to go first.
powt0925 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
• Lost Vacuum, Scream Tail, Unfair Stamp, Cyllene, Arven, Ralts, Basic Psychic Energy
Baitenkai18 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
powt0925 played Scream Tail to the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 played Shaymin to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 played Bug Catching Set.
- Baitenkai18 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy - Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18 played Nest Ball. - Baitenkai18 drew Teal Mask Ogerpon ex and played it to the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 played Ultra Ball. - Baitenkai18 discarded 2 cards.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy - Baitenkai18 drew Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
- Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18 played Teal Mask Ogerpon ex to the Bench.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
Baitenkai18 ended their turn.
Turn # 1 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Iono.
powt0925 played Arven.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Technical Machine: Evolution - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - powt0925 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Ralts, Ralts - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925 played Ralts to the Bench.
powt0925 attached Technical Machine: Evolution to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Scream Tail used Evolution. - powt0925 evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
- powt0925 evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
- powt0925 shuffled their deck.
Scream Tail was activated. - Technical Machine: Evolution was discarded from powt0925's Scream Tail.
Turn # 2 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance.
- Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Shaymin in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 attached Technical Machine: Devolution to Shaymin in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 played Iono. - Baitenkai18 shuffled their hand.
- Baitenkai18 put a card on the bottom of their deck.
- powt0925 shuffled their hand.
- Baitenkai18 put 4 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Unfair Stamp, Lost Vacuum, Cyllene, Iono - Baitenkai18 drew 6 cards.
- Baitenkai18 drew 6 cards.
• Iono, Technical Machine: Devolution, Cresselia, Gardevoir ex, Basic Psychic Energy, Gardevoir ex
Baitenkai18 played Hisuian Heavy Ball. - Baitenkai18 shuffled their Prize cards.
Baitenkai18 played Bug Catching Set. - Baitenkai18 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy - Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18 played Nest Ball. - Baitenkai18 drew Teal Mask Ogerpon ex and played it to the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Shaymin used Devolution. - Baitenkai18 devolved powt0925's Kirlia to Ralts on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 moved Baitenkai18's Kirlia to their hand.
- Baitenkai18 devolved powt0925's Kirlia to Ralts on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 moved Baitenkai18's Kirlia to their hand.
Shaymin was activated. - Technical Machine: Devolution was discarded from Baitenkai18's Shaymin.
Turn # 2 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Earthen Vessel.
powt0925 played Earthen Vessel.
- powt0925 discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925 evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Rare Candy, Buddy-Buddy Poffin
powt0925 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - powt0925 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Drifloon, Mimikyu - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925 evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
powt0925 played Rare Candy. - powt0925 evolved Ralts to Gardevoir ex on the Bench.
powt0925 retreated Scream Tail to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from powt0925's Scream Tail.
powt0925's Mimikyu is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Mimikyu in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Mimikyu.
powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Mimikyu in the Active Spot.
powt0925 attached Technical Machine: Devolution to Mimikyu in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Mimikyu used Ghost Eye. - powt0925 put 7 damage counters on powt0925's Shaymin.
Baitenkai18's Shaymin was Knocked Out!
Basic Grass Energy was discarded from Baitenkai18's Shaymin.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925 took a Prize card.
Artazon was added to powt0925's hand.
Mimikyu was activated. - Technical Machine: Devolution was discarded from powt0925's Mimikyu.
Turn # 3 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance.
- Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
Baitenkai18 played Energy Switch. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
Baitenkai18 retreated Teal Mask Ogerpon ex to the Bench. - Basic Grass Energy was discarded from Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is now in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 played Boss's Orders. - powt0925's Gardevoir ex was switched with powt0925's Mimikyu to become the Active Pokémon.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex is now in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Myriad Leaf Shower on powt0925’s Gardevoir ex for 210 damage.
Turn # 3 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Arven.
powt0925 played Arven.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Pokégear 3.0, Technical Machine: Evolution - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Technical Machine: Evolution.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Counter Catcher, Bravery Charm
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Cresselia.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Bravery Charm, Buddy-Buddy Poffin
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Gardevoir ex in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Gardevoir ex.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Gardevoir ex in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Gardevoir ex.
powt0925 retreated Gardevoir ex to the Bench. - 2 cards were discarded from powt0925's Gardevoir ex.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
powt0925's Drifloon is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Drifloon in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Drifloon.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Drifloon in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Drifloon.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Drifloon in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Drifloon.
powt0925's Drifloon used Balloon Blast on Baitenkai18’s Teal Mask Ogerpon ex for 180 damage.
Turn # 4 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 played Gardenia's Vigor.
- Baitenkai18 drew 2 cards.
Baitenkai18 attached Legacy Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Myriad Leaf Shower on powt0925’s Drifloon for 330 damage.
powt0925's Drifloon was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from powt0925's Drifloon.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
powt0925's Mimikyu is now in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Baitenkai18's hand.
Turn # 4 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Basic Psychic Energy.
powt0925 played Artazon to the Stadium spot.
powt0925 played Artazon.
- powt0925 drew Munkidori and played it to the Bench.
- powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Munkidori on the Bench.
powt0925's Munkidori used Adrena-Brain. - powt0925 moved 3 damage counters from powt0925's Gardevoir ex to powt0925's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex was Knocked Out! - 7 cards were discarded from Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Legacy Energy
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925 took 2 Prize cards.
Manaphy was added to powt0925's hand.
Arven was added to powt0925's hand.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- powt0925 drew
• Counter Catcher, Kirlia
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Counter Catcher.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Ralts, Ultra Ball
powt0925 evolved Kirlia to Gardevoir ex on the Bench.
powt0925's Mimikyu used Ghost Eye. - powt0925 put 7 damage counters on powt0925's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
Turn # 5 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance.
- Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 played Bug Catching Set. - Baitenkai18 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Grass Energy, Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex used Teal Dance. - Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot.
- Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 attached Bravery Charm to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 played Ultra Ball. - Baitenkai18 discarded 2 cards.
• Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex, Gardenia's Vigor - Baitenkai18 shuffled their deck.
Baitenkai18 played Roxanne. - Baitenkai18 shuffled 2 cards into their deck.
- Baitenkai18 moved Baitenkai18's 11 cards to their deck.
• Iono, Pokégear 3.0, Counter Catcher, Bravery Charm, Bravery Charm, Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Manaphy, Arven, Kirlia, Ralts, Ultra Ball - Baitenkai18 drew 6 cards.
- Baitenkai18 drew 2 cards.
• Pokégear 3.0, Munkidori
Baitenkai18 played Ogre's Mask. - Baitenkai18 moved Baitenkai18's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex to the Active Spot.
- Baitenkai18 moved Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex to the discard pile.
- Baitenkai18 put 7 damage counters on Baitenkai18's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex.
Baitenkai18 attached Basic Grass Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench.
Baitenkai18 ended their turn.
Turn # 5 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Arven.
powt0925 played Arven.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Counter Catcher, Bravery Charm - powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Counter Catcher.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Ultra Ball, Super Rod
powt0925 retreated Mimikyu to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from powt0925's Mimikyu.
powt0925's Scream Tail is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
powt0925's Scream Tail was Knocked Out! - 4 cards were discarded from powt0925's Scream Tail.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
powt0925's Mimikyu is now in the Active Spot.
Baitenkai18 took a Prize card.
A card was added to Baitenkai18's hand.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Mimikyu in the Active Spot.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Mimikyu.
powt0925 played Super Rod. - powt0925 shuffled 2 cards into their deck.
• Drifloon, Scream Tail
powt0925 played Artazon. - powt0925 drew Scream Tail and played it to the Bench.
- powt0925 shuffled their deck.
powt0925's Mimikyu used Ghost Eye. - powt0925 put 7 damage counters on powt0925's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex.
Turn # 6 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Baitenkai18 didn't take an action in time.
Turn # 6 - powt0925's Turn
powt0925 drew Iono.
powt0925 played Iono.
- powt0925 shuffled their hand.
- powt0925 put 4 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Munkidori, Bravery Charm, Pokégear 3.0, Ultra Ball - Baitenkai18 shuffled their hand.
- powt0925 moved powt0925's 6 cards to their deck.
- powt0925 drew 3 cards.
• Kirlia, Basic Darkness Energy, Unfair Stamp - powt0925 drew 4 cards.
powt0925's Kirlia used Refinement. - powt0925 discarded Kirlia.
- powt0925 drew 2 cards.
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Manaphy
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail on the Bench.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail on the Bench.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
- powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Scream Tail on the Bench.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Scream Tail.
powt0925 retreated Mimikyu to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from powt0925's Mimikyu.
powt0925's Scream Tail is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925's Gardevoir ex used Psychic Embrace. - powt0925 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Gardevoir ex on the Bench.
- powt0925 put 2 damage counters on powt0925's Gardevoir ex.
powt0925's Munkidori used Adrena-Brain. - powt0925 moved 3 damage counters from powt0925's Gardevoir ex to powt0925's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.
powt0925's Scream Tail used Roaring Scream on Baitenkai18’s Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex for 120 damage.
Baitenkai18's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex was Knocked Out! - 5 cards were discarded from Baitenkai18's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex.
• Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Basic Grass Energy, Bravery Charm
Baitenkai18's Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is now in the Active Spot.
powt0925 took 2 Prize cards.
Artazon was added to powt0925's hand.
Flutter Mane was added to powt0925's hand.
Turn # 7 - Baitenkai18's Turn
Baitenkai18 drew a card.
Opponent was inactive for too long. powt0925 wins.