Coinflip Doesn't Happen
When starting a match it says "Waiting for (Opponent)" but nothing happens. I can use the emote tab and I am able to concede, but thats it. Coinflip never starts. Wouldn't be a big deal but I'm ranking and each time this happens it's a loss. Please fix soon?ou
There are a lot of bugs with cards finizen TWM 59 palafin TWM 60 and palafin ex TWM 61
In actually every game i had when using buddy-buddy poffin, nest ball or ultra ball i cant pick atleast one from those card from title they are just black and when i pick diffirent from those 3 then under that card is shown this card that disappeared do anyone have same problem or similiar
Ditto bug
Whenever I bench the Ditto from crown zenith the game won’t let me take another action. I can see the clock going and eventually time out. Once the card is benched I cannot take any further actions in the turn
Dark Patch Not Working
When playing, the game will not allow me to use dark pat h to bring an energy from my discard onto my pokemon.
Please fix this game
Gotta say I love the app and all but the loading in is terribly slow and the app is beyond buggy I just had the most buggy game I experienced so far and im super pissed off because I was winning and it was against someone who couldnt even pilot the deck but my game had to bug every single second till it crashed :/ my…
Munkidori retreat issue
I’ve had two instances where Munkidori is in my active spot with a psychic and darkness energy attached however when I try to retreat the pokemon the energy selection pane opens but neither energy can be selected to pay for the retreat.
Card Viewing Bug
When viewing my opponent's Eevee card in a ranked match the game locked me on that screen. The X at the top would not let me exit the view so the game continued without me being able to play.
Positive Feedback for the special Summer Anniversary Event
I just wanted to say, I think this is a great event. I like the new catchphrases, they are very quirky and fun. I love the new water themed daily challenges, they add a different flavor to the dailies. I think it's so cool, that I hope you will do more of these events, with different "type" challenges. The Charizard ex…
Ipad OS17.5.1 crashes every time
I tried to reinstall the app in my Ipad (9th) and it has the same problem. It crashes in any moment.
Randomly losing ability to play cards then time out and lose
I'll be in the middle of my turn and it will suddenly just not let me pick an action or play cards. Then it times outs as if I didn't act, despite me very much trying to I suspect it's disconnecting on the server side but it's happening so much that it might be a bug. It's happening like every game at the like 5 turns mark…