Garchomp ex Hydro Lander cant select 0 energy
Garchomp ex Hydro Lander states "Attach up to 3 basic F energy from your discard to benched Pokemon in any way you like". If you have more than one energy in the discard the game allows you to click finish after attaching the first one, but the finish button doesn't appear until after you attach the first energy, forcing…
Pokemon Decks Issues
Good night, has already happened two times some bug that all my decks had disapeared With no reason. Starts With The game not opening at my Galaxy on Wi-Fi and after gofor 5G on The Phone, all decks has gone! Stay The names and decks but all cards out of decks. Can i have some help? Thanks a lot
What's the point of ranks if you constantly get paired up against opponents from a different rank?
Seriously I don't think I've played a single game against an opponent in the same league as I am. To absolutely no one's surprise, the player with the highest league wins 99% of the time. Am I missing something? Is this a choice to turn away players?
Error 10011
I tried to log in to Pokémon TCG Live (PTCGL) many times, but it always appears an error like this: "There was an issue loading Pokémon TCG Live. (…) Error: 10011" Can anyone help me with this error? Thanks a lot.
TCG ate my deck code
I recently got a new deck that gave me a deck code. I redeemed it but I went back to the game and it was frozen, I reloaded the game and when I came back there was nothing from the deck. This has happened with other codes in the past and TCG says that they are redeemed. It just keeps eating my code cards and I don’t know…
Feature Request: Deck Record
This is for a small impact menu feature. In the Decks section, when a deck is selected, display the deck's win and loss records on screen. Personally, I believe it could replace the text in the standard/expanded format. I think people understand through the color cues which format they're playing in. I also believe that if…
Legacy Energy doesn't always work
I have found that the Legacy Energy card doesn't always work. It is supposed to make your opponent draw one less prize card when they knock you out, but sometimes the glitch allows them to draw the regular amount anyway. I have a screenshot of the issue, but cannot get it to upload here.
For the past 1.5 weeks I have not won a single coin toss either to start game or during game. I had an opponent heal every one of his Pokémon with one popsicle. I have been on a 22 game losing streak because every single game I play I either draw all energy and no Pokémon or all Pokémon and no energy. Including trainer…
Haxorus/Regidrago Vstar bug
Hi everyone! I noticed a bug that cost me a game, where I had a legacy energy attached to my Teal Mask Ogerpon, which should turn it into a 1 prize knock out, but my opponent took 2 prizes instead. Basically, they used Regidrago Vstar's Apex Dragon, and utilized Haxorus in the discard pile, and attacked with "Bring Down…
Legacy Energy not working?
I have lost three games because of legacy energy non working.